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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Metaplasia During Gastric Repair in a Rat Duodenal Contents Reflux Model.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Metaplasia During Gastric Repair in a Rat Duodenal Contents Reflux Model.

WADA Yasuhiro 10812125 MUKAISHO Ken-ichi 50343223 0000-0002-5966-0674 KANAI Shunpei NAKAYAMA Takahisa 90632315 FUKUDA Masahide MIZUKAMI Kazuhiro OKIMOTO Tadayoshi KODAMA Masaaki SUGIHARA Hiroyuki 30171169 MURAKAMI Kazunari Kushima Ryoji 40252382 滋賀医科大学



We previously reported the development of pancreatic acinar cell metaplasia (PACM) in the glandular stomach of a duodenal contents reflux model (reflux model).
We aimed to investigate the characteristics and histogenesis of PACM using a reflux model.
A reflux model was created using 8-week-old male Wistar rats, which were killed up to 30 weeks postoperatively. Histological examination was performed to analyze the glandular stomach-jejunal anastomosis. Furthermore, electron microscopic images of PACM samples were compared with pancreatic and gastric glands removed from rats that had not undergone surgery. Immunostaining for α-amylase, HIK1083, TFF2, and Ki-67 was performed, and double fluorescent staining was carried out using antibodies against α-amylase and HIK1083, or α-amylase and TFF2.
In all reflux model rats, PACM was observed proximal to the glandular stomach-jejunal anastomosis, surrounded by pseudopyloric metaplasia. The number of chief cells was decreased in the deep part of the gland, where PACM occurred. Electron microscopy showed that PACM cells had greater numbers of rough endoplasmic reticulum tubules than chief cells, and exhibited pancreatic acinar cell morphology. Upon immunochemical staining, the regenerative foveolar epithelium and part of the pseudopyloric glands stained strongly positive for TFF2, whereas PACM cells were only weakly positive. Double fluorescent staining identified early lesions of PACM in the neck, which were double positive for α-amylase and TFF2, but negative for HIK1083.
PACM could be induced by duodenal contents reflux. PACM originates from stem cells located in the neck of oxyntic glands during gastric mucosal regeneration.



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