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Matsumine Toshiki 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00013296



Design of coding and modulation plays a fundamental role in the communication systems for achieving high spectral efficiencies. In this dissertation, we propose several approaches for coded modulation design based on non-binary coding and constellation shaping.

Chapter 2 presents a novel design approach of non-binary turbo codes based on a new ex- trinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis that does not require a priori knowledge on multi-dimensional message distribution. Simulation results demonstrate that our non-binary turbo codes achieve performance comparable to non-binary low-density parity check (LDPC) codes even with less decoding complexity.

Chapter 3 is devoted to the decoding problem of general Construction D lattices and a prac- tical design of low-dimensional lattices based on binary BCH codes. From simulation and union bound analysis, we demonstrate that the BCH code lattices outperform other lattice codes con- structed from capacity-approaching codes with reasonable decoding complexity in low dimen- sion regime.

Chapter 4 presents a new bandwidth-efficient multiple parallel concatenation scheme based on the three trellis coded modulation (TCM), where constituent TCM encoders are designed with the aid of three-dimensional symbol-based EXIT chart analysis. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly reduce the error floor, without noticeable performance degradation in the waterfall region.

Chapter 5 proposes a new coded modulation scheme based on serial concatenation of recur- sive convolutional lattice codes for achieving higher spectral efficiency even with less decoding complexity than their parallel concatenation counterpart. We also introduce a novel amplitude limiter for improving peak power efficiency of the proposed system.

Chapter 6 provides a new shaping approach based on short-dimensional lattice shaping com- bined with non-binary turbo TCM (TTCM) scheme. Using the well-known E8 lattices with low-complexity decoding algorithm as an example, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme efficiently achieves a shaping gain of about 0.5 dB in terms of the gap from the finite block length bound over the conventional TTCM without shaping.

Chapter 7 is focused on a novel constellation shaping based on polar-coded modulation, where bit indices for constellation shaping are newly introduced to a polar encoder input. Perfor- mance results demonstrate that the proposed shaping method achieves shaping gain greater than 0.6 dB without affecting the decoding complexity.

In Chapter 8, a new joint coding and shaping approach for short linear block codes is pro- posed, where two generator matrices for coding and shaping are constructed from the same gen- erator matrix for efficient decoding. We design a shaping matrix such that an expected average signal power is directly minimized under the assumption of efficient shaping implementation. We demonstrate from simulation results that the proposed shaping effectively achieves a moderate shaping gain even for short block length with low complexity.


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