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周 迎慧 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00014822



The skin covers the surface of the human body and is the largest organ in the body. As the first line of defense, the skin protects us from the invasion of external adverse factors. From outside to inside, the skin can be divided into epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The skin also includes accessory organs, such as hair, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and nails of fingers or toes. Among them, hair is a very important part of skin, for most mammals. Hair covers the surface of the skin and acts to protect the skin, reduces the loss of heat, and keeps warm under certain conditions. For humans, the most prominent hair covers the scalp, greatly affecting people's appearance.

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is an important theory in psychology that can be depicted as a hierarchy within a pyramid. From the bottom up, it can usually be divided into five levels, namely physiological needs (food and clothing), safety needs (job security), social needs (friendship), esteem needs and self-actualization [1]. Maslow believed that low- level needs are directly related to the survival of individuals, also known as deficiency needs. When this kind of need is not met, it is directly life-threatening. Moreover, high- level needs are not absolutely necessary to maintain individual survival. However, satisfying this kind of needs makes people live healthier, longer, and more energetic, and high-level needs are called growth needs. High-level needs are more complex than low- level needs, and low-level needs must be satisfied before high-level needs appear. In the evolution from other animals to humans, higher needs appeared relatively late. Babies have physiological and safety needs, but self-actualization needs emerge after adulthood. All living things need food and water, but only humans have self-actualization needs [1].The pursuit of beautiful appearance takes precedence over lower-level needs (physiological and safety needs) and contributes to social needs, respect from or to others, and self-actualization. The pursuit of beauty makes human beings happier, more energetic, and makes life more colorful. In the pursuit of beauty in appearance, the beauty of hair is one of the beauty methods that has been continuously developed through the ages. People can add accessories to the hair or change the color and curl of the hair for aesthetic purposes. The appearance and functional integrity of hair is also gaining more and more attention.



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