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Study on the effect of Asparagus officinalis stem extract on the induction of molecular chaperone and cellular function of bovine granulosa cells

HO, Khoi Thieu 北海道大学



The defence response to stress from outside enviroment is important for maintaining the functions of cells, tissues, organs and whole animal bodies, and therefore lives have various defence mechanisms. Heat stress (HS) negatively affects various cell functions, including intracellular protein activity, gene expressions, and viability. In contrast, cells also have a defensive response mechanism to protect themselves. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 is a well-known HS-induced protein and acts as an intracellular molecular chaperone to protect cells against stress conditions. Although HSP70 is induced by HS to confer stress resistance to cells, simultaneously HS causes cell toxicity by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recently, a standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem (EAS), produced from the by-product of asparagus, has been shown to induce HS independent induction of HSP70 in several somatic cells such as Hela cell, liver cell and pheochromocytoma cells in relation with regulating intracellular redox balance. However, the effects of EAS on reproductive cell function remain unknown.

In this chapter 2, I investigated the effect of EAS on HSP70 induction and oxidative redox balance in cultured bovine granulosa cells (GC). EAS treatment significantly increased HSP70 expression level, whereas no significant effect was observed on HSP27 and HSP90 expression level under non-HS condition. EAS treatment decreased ROS generation and DNA damage with increase in glutathione (GSH) synthesis under both non-HS and HS conditions. Moreover, EAS synergistically increased HSP70 and heat shock factor (HSF)1 and progesterone (P4) levels by HS treatment in GC. In order to know the effect of EAS under HS condition, the bovine GC were exposed to HS at 41 °C along with control groups (38.5 °C). Besides, treatment with an HSP70 inhibitor significantly increased ROS level, decreased GSH level, and decreased HSF1, nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2, also known as NRF2), and Kelch-like ECHassociated protein 1 (KEAP1) in the presence of EAS. Furthermore, EAS treatment significantly increased P4 synthesis in CG. Thus, EAS improves HSP70- mediated redox balance and cell function in bovine CG.

P4 is a well-known steroid hormone and has role in ovarian function including oocyte growth and maintenance of pregnancy in mammals. HS by high ambient temperature in summer season is known to decrease P4 synthesis in the ovarian corpus luteum (CL) with collapsing a balance of intracellular redox status. P4 biosynthesis occurs in mitochondria. For utilizing, cholesterol from lipid droplet is transported into the mitochondrial inner membrane by steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR). The enzyme Cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (CYP11A1) conversed cholesterol to pregnenolone which is catalysed into P4 by 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD).

In chapter 3, to clarify the steroidgenesis pathway including mitochondrial could be affected by HS and possibly be controled by HSP70, I investigated the effect of EAS on P4 level, expression of steroidogenesis genes, mitochondrial activity and lipid metabolism of GC under non-HS and HS conditions. P4 level was increased by EAS treatment in association with the increase in STAR, 3β-HSD, mitochondrial membrane activity and lipid droplet both under non-HS and HS conditions. Notably, synergistic effect of EAS with HS co-treatment was observed to show a greater increase in P4 synthesis when comparison with EAS treatment under nonHS condition. Furthermore, inhibition of HSP70 significantly reduced EASinduced P4 synthesis, mitochondrial activity and synthesis of lipid droplets. Overall results show that EAS-induced P4 synthesis is mediated by activation STAR and 3β-HSD pathway together with improvement mitochondrial and lipid metabolism through HSP70-mediated redox balance and chaperone function in bovine GC.

The main purpose of cell freezing is to maintain sufficient cell number to provide a stable cell supply and fewer passage number. Freezing of bovine GC is commonly applied as coculture cells with supporting the embryo growth for embryo transfer and donor cells for nuclear transfer. However, little is known about the effect of EAS pre-freezing treatment on post-freezing viability and redox status.

In chapter 4, I investigated the effect of EAS on the post-freezing viability of HS treated bovine GC in relation to the redox balance. HS pre-treatment significantly decreased the post-freezing viability, whereas EAS pre-treatment significantly increased the post-freezing viability of HS treated cells. ROS levels were increased by HS and decreased after EAS pre-treatment. GSH levels were increased by EAS pre-treatment. These results suggest that EAS affects the postfreezing viability of HS bovine GC by improving intracellular molecular chaperones and the redox status.

In conclusion, EAS improved reproductive function and cellular protection in bovine GC. Moreover, synergistic effect of EAS and HS co-treatment on HSP70 production can contribute to improvement of P4 synthesis and cellular survival.



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