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MC-SleepNet: Large-scale Sleep Stage Scoring in Mice by Deep Neural Networks

堀江, 和正 塩川, 浩昭 柳沢, 正史 北川, 博之 Yamabe, Masato Funato, Hiromasa 筑波大学 DOI:31672998



Automated sleep stage scoring for mice is in high demand for sleep research, since manual scoring requires considerable human expertise and efforts. The existing automated scoring methods do not provide the scoring accuracy required for practical use. In addition, the performance of such methods has generally been evaluated using rather small-scale datasets, and their robustness against individual differences and noise has not been adequately verified. This research proposes a novel automated scoring method named “MC-SleepNet”, which combines two types of deep neural networks. Then, we evaluate its performance using a large-scale dataset that contains 4,200 biological signal records of mice. The experimental results show that MC-SleepNet can automatically score sleep stages with an accuracy of 96.6% and kappa statistic of 0.94. In addition, we confirm that the scoring accuracy does not significantly decrease even if the target biological signals are noisy. These results suggest that MC-SleepNet is very robust against individual differences and noise. To the best of our knowledge, evaluations using such a large-scale dataset (containing 4,200 records) and high scoring accuracy (96.6%) have not been reported in previous related studies.



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This work was partly supported by the MEXT Program for Building Regional Innovation Ecosystems, MEXT Grantin-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Grant Number 15H05942Y “Living in Space”, the WPI program

from Japan’s MEXT, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H06095, and FIRST program from JSPS. The authors would

like to thank C. Miyoshi, N. Hotta-Hirashima, A. Ikkyu, and S. Kanno for assisting in the measurement of EEG and

EMG signals of mice. In addition, we are grateful to L. Ota for reproducing the experiments.

Author contributions

K. Horie and H. Kitagawa provided ideas for developing MC-SleepNet; M. Yamabe implemented MC-SleepNet;

M. Yamabe, K. Horie, H. Shiokawa, and H. Kitagawa designed evaluation experiments; M. Yamabe performed the

experiments; M. Yamabe, K. Horie, H. Shiokawa, and H. Kitagawa analyzed the experimental results; H. Funato

and M. Yanagisawa provided the dataset and background knowledge about mice sleep; and M. Yamabe, K. Horie,

H. Kitagawa wrote the paper.

Scientific Reports |

(2019) 9:15793 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-51269-8




Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

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