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Quantitative evaluation of human skin surface characteristics based on image processing (本文)

武, 悦 慶應義塾大学



With the spread of image technology such as computer graphics, research applying image analysis technology to cosmetics and medical diagnosis is thriving. Traditionally, visual evaluation and spectrophotometer have been used as useful methods. Although it is lim- ited to surface observation visually, quantitative evaluation is possible by image analysis. However, since the skin changes depending on disease, aging or season, conventional skin measurement is not sufficient. In addition, various measurement methods are utilized, but mainly single-use instruments. In dermatology treatment, it is necessary to simultane- ously evaluate a plurality of items such as moisture, sebum amount and texture, while the conventional single-purpose device does not perform high effectively. Therefore, estab- lishment of an objective evaluation method of skin condition using multi-measured skin scope and the image analysis technique aimed at this research is an extremely important task.

In order to assess skin condition objectively and comprehensively, several properties are involved in evaluation system, including skin hydration, skin sebum, skin micro-relief, skin color, and skin microbiological flora. Chapter 1 introduces the fundamental knowl- edge of skin structure and skin surface properties. Besides, an overview of existing mea- surement of these characteristics is provided. With rapid development of image process- ing technology, typical and classic image processing algorithms are given a presentation, as the basis for subsequent algorithms in Chapter 2 to 6.

Skin micro-relief has been researched by a variety of devices and methods, which usually are expensive or complicated. On the other hand, skin micro-relief relates to quite a few parameters, and it is hard to evaluate all of them at the same time. In chapter 2, we propose a quantitative evaluation algorithm of skin micro-relief and extract four aspects, including skin surface properties, skin pores, skin furrows, and the skin closed polygons. The age-dependent changes of these parameters are also explored, which reveals that most parameters increased as age went on with significant differences. In addition, skin coarseness is proved to be strongly related to the skin pore area.

Skin color is one of the most obvious features of the skin. Various information can be extracted from the analysis of skin color, including age and health, which means that an objective and reproducible measurement of skin color would be of significant value. Ac- cording to the CIE-L*a*b* color model, we perform a skin color measurement in Chapter 3, utilizing the individual typology angle (ITA) and hue angle, indexes that are calculated from digital images with specific algorithms. The changes of skin color parameters by age, anatomical sites, and geographic locations are figured out.

Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is a member of the anaerobic organisms, which is involved in the induction of skin, acne and produce porphyrins that absorb ultravio- let light and emit red fluorescence in response. Chapter 4 develops a novel approach to segment skin porphyrins induced by P. acnes from ultraviolet images, which has the po- tential to predict skin conditions as an assisted tool. We also investigate the age-dependent changes, that all parameters of porphyrins arrive at the peak at 30 years old.

Abundant hydration in the skin is quite important for skin barrier function. However, skin hydration assessment applying image processing is rare, focusing on skin capacitive images and near-infrared images at large, which are costly. A prior study for quantita- tive evaluation algorithm of skin surface hydration by visible optical image processing is proposed in Chapter 5. Skin hydration content is successfully extracted and has a heavy correlation with the results measured by commercial instruments.

The skin condition is full of changes and complexity, which results in a simplified measurement unsatisfied with the diagnosis of the condition of the skin in practice. Chap- ter 6 establishes a comprehensive skin condition measurement system from 5 sides by combining the parameters extracted from Chapter 2 to 5. The measurement system is displayed as a radar chart with 5 levels. The integrated quantitative evaluation of skin surface characteristics has become reality so far.

Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions and imagines the continued research perspectives of this work in the future.



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