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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Search for the NΛ resonance in the ɤd→ dπ+π- reaction」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Search for the NΛ resonance in the ɤd→ dπ+π- reaction

Toyama Yuichi 東北大学



A dibaryon which is an object with baryon number B = 2 has been studied for a long time. Dyson and Xuong classified non-strangeness dibaryon states based on SU(6) symmetries in 1960's. In the framework, the deuteron is classified as one of the sextet states of dibaryons. Although dibaryon have been an interesting subject of research for a long time, most of the experimental studies up to the early 2000's were unsuccessful.

The CELCIUS/WASA collaboration reported this state via the double-pionic fusion reaction (pn → dn°°) in 2009. Thereafter, the WASA-at-COSY collaboration revealed properties of the isoscaler resonance state via the pn → da°n° reaction in 2011. The dibaryon resonance state with isospin 1 = 0 and spin S = 3 thought to be a Dos which was predicted by Dyson and Xuong at 2.35 GeV/c~ with a configuration of AA. The reported mass and width of that state were 2.37 GeV/c* and 0.07 GeV/c?, respectively. The mass was ~0.08 GeV/ c2 smaller than that of 24, the width was narrower than that of single A. This surprising result made dibaryon study come back into the limelight.

Diz is one of the dibaryon states classified by Dyson and Xuong with isospin 1 = 1, spin S = 2. This state can be regarded as an s-wave NA resonance. Diz is an interesting state from the point of view of the possibilities of existence as an internal structure of D03 and contribution to many-body effects in nuclei. Though there were some experimental clues and theoretical studies of this state, it was unclear whether the obtained experimental results represented a real resonance or not due to the difficulty of separation from kinematical effects. Very recently, the FOREST group at Tohoku University reported a photoproduced isovector dibaryon state at mass of 2.14 GeV/c- in the dr invariant mass spectra of the yd → din° reaction. The most probable JP configuration was 2+ although they didn't exclude the possibility of JP = 1+ or 3-. They separated the dibaryon production process from conventional pion production process for the first time using angular distribution of deuteron.

We investigated the yd → dit reaction for study of a possible NA dibaryon state using a deuterium target at the Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University, Japan. In the experiment, ~3 × 10'2 tagged photon beam at energies ranging from 0.8 to 1.1 GeV was impinged to the liquid deuterium target (~520 mg/cm?) and the charged particles in the final state: deuteron, i, and , were detected by a magnetic spectrometer with a large solid angle named NKS2. NKS2 had capabilities of reconstructing momentum of charged particles, multi-track analysis, and p/n separation. We performed two different analyses named 2-track analysis and 3-track analysis. The 2-track (3-track) analysis was for events in which two (three) particles of dn* in the final state, including deuteron, were detected by NKS2. In the 3-track and 2-track analysis, ~2000, ~15000 events were identified as the yd → dr reaction events, respectively. The 2-track analysis with higher statistics was mainly used to derive the cross sections, and the 3-track analysis was used to check the consistency of the 2-track analysis.

In this thesis, we have shown the total cross section, the differential cross sections of the yd → diti reaction in the region of It| > 0.15 GeV?. This is the world's first measurement of this reaction in this energy region. Dibaryon resonance structures were observed below the NA threshold in the differential cross section of the invariant mass of dn*. The mass and width of the structure were consistent with these of Di2 measured by the ya → dino reaction. The mechanism of the production process was discussed based on the angular distribution of emitted deuteron.



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