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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development and Application of a Numerical Method for Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interactions of Flow-Induced Deformable Fibrous Porous Media」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development and Application of a Numerical Method for Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interactions of Flow-Induced Deformable Fibrous Porous Media

安藤 駿 大阪府立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.24729/00017754



This thesis presents a numerical method for the simulation of two-way fluid-structure interaction (twFSI) problems on high-performance computing. The proposed method specifically focuses on interactions between Newtonian fluids and a large number of slender flexible structures. Such twFSI problems play important roles in various industrial applications and one of the related essential research topics in the textile engineering is seen in the filtration process of nonwoven fabrics. Since interactions between fluids and fibers during the filtration process are extremely complicated due to their non-linear nature and mesoscopic geometry, it is difficult to conduct accurate and reproducible experiments of flow-induced deformation behaviors of each fiber. Thus, numerical methods are preferable alternatives to experimental methods to overcome the above limitations.

From a numerical point of view, the fluids and the fibers are strongly coupled to each other due to large deformations of flexible fibers under the influence of fluid forces. Generally, special techniques are required to handle such a strong coupling stably and efficiently. In this study, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) as a fluid solver and the Cosserat rod model (CRM) as a structure solver are coupled via a partitioned approach. The fluid-structure interactions are calculated by the simple explicit coupling scheme combined with the collision detection algorithm and the fluid-structure boundary reconstruction (fsBR) scheme. In addition, the collision/contact models for the fluid and structure solvers are implemented to capture multiple simultaneous fiber-fiber interactions. The thesis presents the underlying methodology and its algorithms, including evaluation of accuracy and convergence by various verification and validation.

First, individual solvers utilized in the twFSI scheme are validated. For the fluid solver, the LBM with the fsBR scheme is applied to calculate the permeability of two well-known geometries of circular cylinder arrays and six types of nonwoven fabric produced by the industrial hydroentanglement process. The prediction results are compared with the analytical/empirical models in the literature and the experimental data. It is confirmed that the present method is accurate enough to calculate fluid flows through fibrous porous media with relatively coarse lattice resolution. The applicability of the present method to calculate hydrodynamic forces acting on fibers is also evaluated by computing flows around a circular cylinder. The drag and lift coefficients are compared between the prediction and literature values to confirm that the present method accurately calculates the hydrodynamic forces acting on the cylindrical structure. For the structure solver, the CRM is applied to calculate a cantilever beam with circular cross sections horizontally clamped at one end and subjected to the downward uniform force. The predicted deformation of the beam is compared with the analytical solution of the Timoshenko cantilever beam theory. The results show good agreement and that the CRM well represents the cylindrical structure deformation.

Then, the proposed twFSI scheme coupling the LBM and the CRM (LBM-CRM-twFSI scheme) is successfully validated in three wind tunnel experimental benchmarks. Flow- induced deformations of a single flexible fiber and collision/contact behaviors of multiple filaments in a wind tunnel are experimentally measured to evaluate the numerical results by the LBM-CRM-twFSI scheme. The results confirm that the proposed scheme is capable of accurately calculating the equilibrium and dynamic motions, including simultaneous collision/contact behaviors, of flexible fibers in fluid flows.

Finally, the LBM-CRM-twFSI scheme is employed to simulate the fluid flows through deformable nonwoven fabric geometry. In nonwoven fabric filtration processes such as face mask applications, the fluid flows through layers of fibrous materials are characterized by flow-induced deformations and collision/contact behaviors of individual fibers. The effect of such flow-induced deformations and collision/contact behaviors on the filtration performance in the actual filtration environment of coughing is investigated. The surrogate nonwoven fabric model is employed to obtain fiber structures of spunbonded lay-down nonwoven fabrics often utilized for face masks. The simulation data of the porosity-permeability relationship are analyzed to obtain a deep understanding of the physics of the filtration performance in deformable nonwoven fabrics. The analysis indicates that to accurately predict the filtration performance and design efficient fiber structures, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic flow-induced deformations and collision/contact behaviors of the fiber structures. Thus, the LBM-CRM-twFSI scheme is practically useful for evaluating and designing nonwoven fabric filtration products.



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