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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Transcription of MERVL retrotransposons is required for preimplantation embryo development (本文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Transcription of MERVL retrotransposons is required for preimplantation embryo development (本文)

北野, 智大 慶應義塾大学



nature genetics


Transcription of MERVL retrotransposons
is required for preimplantation embryo
Received: 22 March 2022
Accepted: 26 January 2023
Published online: 2 March 2023
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Akihiko Sakashita1,3, Tomohiro Kitano    1,3, Hirotsugu Ishizu1, Youjia Guo    1,
Harumi Masuda1, Masaru Ariura1, Kensaku Murano    1 & Haruhiko Siomi    1,2 

Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) is a critical postfertilization step that
promotes totipotency and allows different cell fates to emerge in the
developing embryo. MERVL (murine endogenous retrovirus-L) is transiently
upregulated at the two-cell stage during ZGA. Although MERVL expression
is widely used as a marker of totipotency, the role of this retrotransposon
in mouse embryogenesis remains elusive. Here, we show that full-length
MERVL transcripts, but not encoded retroviral proteins, are essential for
accurate regulation of the host transcriptome and chromatin state during
preimplantation development. Both knockdown and CRISPRi-based
repression of MERVL result in embryonic lethality due to defects in
differentiation and genomic stability. Furthermore, transcriptome and
epigenome analysis revealed that loss of MERVL transcripts led to retention
of an accessible chromatin state at, and aberrant expression of, a subset of
two-cell-specific genes. Taken together, our results suggest a model in which
an endogenous retrovirus plays a key role in regulating host cell fate potential.

Fertilization and early preimplantation development are processes in
which unipotent gametes unite and acquire totipotency (Fig. 1a). After
fertilization, embryos undergo zygotic genome activation (ZGA), a
process that is widely conserved in vertebrates1–3. ZGA involves a transcriptional burst of hundreds to thousands of two-cell-specific genes.
At this point, gene expression switches from a maternal to zygotic program2,4. ZGA occurs in two distinct waves called minor and major ZGA5.
In mice, minor ZGA occurs from S phase in the zygote to G1 phase in the
early two-cell stage embryo, whereas the major wave occurs during the
second round of DNA replication at the middle-to-late two-cell stage6,7.
Both waves of ZGA are critical for the embryo to acquire developmental competence6,8. However, the molecular events that drive ZGA and
lead to acquisition of totipotency and developmental competence are
still enigmatic.
Approximately 40% of the mouse genome is occupied by transposable elements (TEs), mobile genetic elements of which ~10% are endogenous retrovirus (ERV)9. Notably, the expression of murine endogenous

retrovirus with leucine transfer RNA primer binding site (MERVL) is
specifically activated at the two-cell stage concomitant with ZGA10–12.
Recently, the transcription factor DUX, which is expressed during
minor ZGA, was documented as an upstream regulator that activates
two-cell genes and MERVL13–15. Furthermore, the MERVL long terminal
repeat (LTR) promoter drives a subset of two-cell genes and generates
chimeric transcripts with the host genes12. The above findings suggest
that DUX/MERVL may activate an early transcriptional network that is
required for ZGA and totipotency.
In 2012, Macfarlan et al. found that a rare transient cell population
(~1%) in mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem
cell cultures expresses high levels of MERVL and two-cell genes without
expression of pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM) maker genes, such as
Pou5f1 (also known as Oct4), Sox2 and Nanog12. MERVL expression has
been used as a marker for totipotent cells, as MERVL+ cells can commit
to both embryonic and extraembryonic lineages after injection into
recipient embryos at the eight-cell and morula stages12,16,17.

Department of Molecular Biology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2Human Biology Microbiome Quantum Research Center
(WPI-Bio2Q), Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. 3These authors contributed equally: Akihiko Sakashita, Tomohiro Kitano.  e-mail: awa403@keio.jp


Nature Genetics | Volume 55 | March 2023 | 484–495





Preimplantation development
Germ cells

0.5 dpc

1.5 dpc



2.5 dpc

3.5 dpc



4.5 dpc



Lineage commitment



MERVL-int transcripts

MT2_Mm transcripts


Early 2-cell


Middle 2-cell
Late 2-cell








Preimplantation development

Preimplantation development


MERVL transcript


(PN stage)









(PN stage)


MERVL-Gag protein



Fig. 1 | MERVL RNA exhibits dynamic nuclear-cytoplasmic expression
during early stages of mouse preimplantation development. a, Schematic
of mouse preimplantation development. Totipotency is restricted to earlystage development (that is, zygote and two-cell stages). Blastomeres gradually
transition to a pluripotent state from the four-cell stage onward and develop
into a blastocyst consisting of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE)
before implantation in the uterus at 4.5-days postcoitum (dpc). b,c, Violin plots
showing the log2-transformed reads per kilobase of exon per million reads
mapped (log2RPKM) values of MERVL-int (b) and its LTR promoter, MT2_Mm (c)

during preimplantation development. Each plot encompasses box plot; central
bars represent medians, box edges indicate 50% of data points and the whiskers
show 90% of data points. d, Representative images of smFISH for MERVL RNA
with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) counterstain during preimplantation
development, from four independent experiments. Scale bars, 20 µm. ♀, female
pronucleus (PN); ♂, male PN. e, Representative images of immunofluorescence
staining for MERVL-Gag protein with DAPI counterstain during preimplantation
development, from six independent experiments. Scale bars, 20 µm. ♀, female
PN; ♂, male PN. Data for panels in b and c are available as source data.

Despite the above findings, the function of MERVL itself remains
unclear. Here, we overcome technical limitations in interrogating TE
functions and analyze the role of MERVL in preimplantation development. We found that depletion of MERVL transcripts resulted in
embryonic lethality due to defects in early lineage specification and
genome stability, demonstrating that MERVL is essential for mouse
preimplantation development.

from each blastomere at eight representative stages of preimplantation
development18 (Fig. 1a). To define regions of nonredundant MERVLs in
mouse genome, we used RepeatMasker to annotate the genome for
unique interspersed internal regions of MERVL (MERVL-int, n = 1,426)
and LTR promoters of the MERVL (MT2_Mm, n = 2,366). The expression
of MERVL and its LTR promoter culminated in the middle of the two-cell
stage and then gradually decreased until blastocyst stage (Fig. 1b,c).
We also set out to investigate the expression and localization of
MERVL transcripts in preimplantation embryos using single-molecule
fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH). Interestingly, smFISH
revealed that MERVL expression is detectable in the nuclei from zygotes
and early two-cell stage embryos in which polyadenylated MERVL


MERVL exhibits distinct localization in mouse embryos
To understand the dynamics of MERVL expression, we first analyzed
publicly available single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets
Nature Genetics | Volume 55 | March 2023 | 484–495


mRNA cannot be detected (Fig. 1b,d). Afterwards, MERVL RNA gradually translocated from the nucleus at middle two-cell stage onward
and was highly restricted to the cytoplasm by late two-cell stage
(Fig. 1d). These changes in MERVL transcript localization were consistent with increased MERVL protein levels during the middle two-cell
stage (Fig. 1e). These observations raise the possibility that nuclear
MERVL transcript has distinct roles in gene regulation in the early
stages of preimplantation development compared to cytoplasmic
MERVL transcript, leading us to investigate MERVL function further.

MERVL-KD results in embryonic lethality
Inconsistencies regarding the early embryonic phenotypes of MERVL
knockdown (KD) in previous studies11,19,20, led us to re-examine the
KD effects of MERVL on preimplantation development. To this end,
we developed specific antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) that target interspersed MERVL copies (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 1a,b).
After predicting the genome-wide target sites of individual ASOs using
BLASTn, we confirmed that 46.9% (n = 669/1,426) of MERVL copies
were targeted by at least one ASO with up to two mismatches allowed
(Extended Data Fig. 1c). Subsequently, we confirmed that our ASO
sequences efficiently targeted full-length MERVL (≥5 kb, n = 377/556,
67.8%), by combining three independent anti-MERVL ASOs (Extended
Data Fig. 1d). We experimentally validated the KD efficiency of each
ASO using a recently developed ESC-based in vitro system (Extended
Data Fig. 1e and Methods)21 in which MERVL expression was drastically reduced at both the mRNA and protein levels (Extended Data
Fig. 1f–h). Injection of each ASO into the male pronucleus of zygotes
also leads to substantial reduction of MERVL RNA signal at the late
two-cell stage (Extended Data Fig. 2a). Because we noted that cocktail
of three independent ASOs increased MERVL-KD efficiency (Fig. 2b
and Extended Data Fig. 2), mixed ASOs (1:1:1 = 20 µM) were used in
subsequent experiments.
Next, we monitored the effects of MERVL-KD using ASOs on preimplantation development (Fig. 2c,d). MERVL-KD embryos displayed a
significant developmental delay from 2.5 dpc (Fig. 2d). ...



48. Quinlan, A. R. & Hall, I. M. BEDTools: a flexible suite of utilities for

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We thank all members of the Siomi laboratory for discussions on this

work, K. Hayashi (Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,

Osaka University) and A. Inoue (Center for Integrative Medical Science,

RIKEN) for critical reading of the manuscript, and S. Aikawa (Graduate

School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo) and C. Takeuchi (Keio

University School of Medicine) for assistance with NGS data analyses.

This work was supported by JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career

Scientists (21K15108 to A.S.), the Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation

Research Grant (to A.S.), JST Fusion Oriented Research for disruptive

Science and Technology (JPMJFR214O to A.S.), MEXT Grants-in-Aid

Nature Genetics


for Scientific Research in Innovative Areas (19H05753 to H.S. and

22H04700 to A.S.), AMED project for elucidating and controlling

mechanisms of aging and longevity (1005442 to H.S.), the Uehara

Memorial Foundation Research Incentive Grant (to A.S.) and the

Uehara Memorial Foundation Research Grant (to H.S.).

Author contributions

The manuscript was written by A.S., T.K. and H.S., with critical

feedback from all other authors. A.S., T.K., H.I. and H.S. conceived

and designed this study. K.M. provided instruction for biochemistry

and molecular biology. H.I. developed ASOs against MERVL. T.K. and

A.S. performed microinjection for generating MERVL-KD embryos and

RNA rescue assay with the help of H.M. and carried out phenotypic

analyses of generated MERVL-KD embryos. A.S. and T.K. performed

total RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analyses. T.K., Y.G. and A.S. designed and

interpreted bioinformatic analyses with the help of M.A. A.S. and H.S.

supervised the project.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information

Extended data is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/


Supplementary information The online version contains

supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588023-01324-y.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to

Haruhiko Siomi.

Peer review information Nature Genetics thanks Magdalena

Zernicka-Goetz, Denes Hnisz and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s)

for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer

reports are available.

Reprints and permissions information is available at



Extended Data Fig. 1 | See next page for caption.

Nature Genetics



Extended Data Fig. 1 | Design and validation of ASOs targeting MERVL. (a)

Schematic of MERVL indicating the positions of ASOs. Intact MERVL encodes the

retroviral proteins; Gag (Group-specific antigens, comprised of MA, matrix; CA,

capsid proteins) and Pol (Polymerase, comprised of RT, reverse transcriptase;

INT, integrase; dUTPase, dUTP phosphatase). Below whisker plot showing

alignment quality in each interspersed genomic MERVL copy (adapted from

Dfam: https://dfam.org/family/DF0003918/seed). (b) Pie chart indicates the

populations of full length (≥ 5001 bp) and truncated (1–5000 bp) MERVL copies

across the mouse genome. (c) Chromosome maps showing the distribution of

MERVL copies that are targeted by ASOs throughout the mouse genome. Each

colored rectangle (blue for ASO-#1, yellow for ASO-#2, and red for ASO-#3)

indicates targeted MERVL copy. (d) Histogram showing the distributions of

ASO-targeted (magenta) and untargeted (green) MERVL copies. The abundance

of each length of MERVL element was tallied with a given count. The proportion

of full-length MERVL (>5 kb) was highlighted in red. (e) Schematic for ASOmediated KD against MERVL in ESC harboring a doxycycline (Dox)-inducible Dux

Nature Genetics


transgene (termed ESCDUX). TRE, tetracycline responsive element; rtTA, reverse

tetracycline responsive transcriptional activator. (f) Expression levels of MERVL

mRNA measured by qRT-PCR in ESCDUXs nucleofected with each individual

MERVL-targeting ASO and scrambled ASO. Relative expression is quantified

with ΔΔCt method and normalized to Gapdh expression. Bars show means

with s.e.m. Dots represent biological replicates (n = 3 samples). (g) Expression

level of MERVL mRNA measured by qRT-PCR in scrambled control and ASOs

(Mixed)-mediated MERVL-KD ESCDUXs in the presence or absence of Dox. Relative

expression is quantified with ΔΔCt method and normalized to Gapdh expression.

Bars show means with s.e.m. Dots represent biological replicates (n = 4 samples).

(h) Expressions of MERVL retroviral protein (Gag), measured by western

blotting in scrambled control and ASOs (Mixed)-mediated MERVL-KD ESCDUXs

in the presence or absence of Dox. β-Tubulin was used as a loading control.

Representative blot image is from 3 independent experiments. Data for panels in

b-d and f-h are available as source data.



ASOs ; targeting to MERVL










MERVL transcript


Scrambled ASO

SOs ; complementary to ASOs

ASOs ; targeting to MERVL









4.5 dpc

Scrambled ASO

SOs ; complementary to ASOs






ASOs ; targeting to














Scrambled ASO

Population (%)


4.5 dpc



1 cell

2 cell

3-4 cell

8-16 cell



SOs ; complementary to ASOs

Extended Data Fig. 2 | The KD effectiveness of each ASO against MERVL in

preimplantation embryos. (a) Representative images of smFISH for MERVL

RNA (green) with DAPI counterstain (gray) in two-cell stage embryos from each

experimental condition, from 3 independent experiments. Zygotes were injected

with scrambled ASO, MERVL ASOs or the corresponding SOs. Scale bar: 20 µm.

Nature Genetics

(b) Representative phase-contrast images of 4.5 dpc blastocysts from each

experimental condition, from 2 independent experiments. Scale bar: 100 µm. (c)

Percentage of embryos by developmental stage at 4.5 dpc in each experimental

condition. The number of embryos in each experimental condition is shown in

the bottom. Data for panels in c are available as source data.



CasRx expressing plasmid


Extended Data Fig. 3 | CasRx-mediated MERVL-KD and its effects on

preimplantation development. (a) Schematic of experimental procedure

for CasRx-mediated KD of MERVL. (b) Representative images of smFISH and

immunofluorescence staining for MERVL RNA (top) and MERVL-Gag protein

(bottom) with DAPI counterstain in untargeted control and MERVL-KD two-cell

stage embryos at 1.5 dpc, from 3 independent experiments. Scale bar: 20 µm. (c)

Nature Genetics











MERVL-Gag/ MERVL transcript/






CasRx-mediated KD

Untargeted control







gRNA expressing plasmid

CasRx-mediated KD

Untargeted control


4.5 dpc

0.5 dpc

0 Population (%) 100




1 cell

2 cell

3-4 cell

8-16 cell



CasRx-mediated KD

Representative phase-contrast images of 4.5 dpc blastocysts upon untargeted

control and MERVL-KD conditions, from 3 independent experiments. Scale bar:

100 µm. (d) Percentage of embryos by stages of development, upon untargeted

control (n = 69) and MERVL-KD (n = 70) conditions. N.S., not significant;

***P < 0.001, chi-square test. Data for panel in d is available as source data.


Extended Data Fig. 4 | See next page for caption.

Nature Genetics



Extended Data Fig. 4 | Total RNA-seq analysis of control and MERVL-KD

embryos at two-cell, four-cell, and eight-cell stages. (a) Schematic of sample

collection for total RNA-seq analysis in scrambled control and ASO-mediated

MERVL-KD embryos. We supplied the apparently healthiest embryos upon

MERVL-KD for preparation of a total RNA-seq library. (b) Scatter plots showing

the reproducibility between biological replicates in total RNA-seq data. Pearson

correlation values (R) are shown. (c) GO analysis of DEGs in MERVL-KD embryos,

Nature Genetics


assessed by the Enrichr. (d) Heatmap showing hierarchical clustering of

expression patterns of all 2C genes (as defined in 12) in control and

MERVL-KD embryos at two-cell, four-cell and eight-cell stages. Expression level

of each gene is shown in Z-score, calculated by subtracting the mean expression

value and dividing by standard deviation. Data for panels in c and d are available

as source data.


Extended Data Fig. 5 | MERVL-KD only dysregulates a few types of

transposable element. (a) Dot plots showing RPKM values for MERVL-int and

MT2_Mm in scrambled control and MERVL-KD embryos at two-cell, four-cell,

and eight-cell stages. Central bars represent medians, the top and bottom lines

encompass 50% of the data points. (b) MA plots show differentially expressed

(DE) repetitive elements (annotated in RepeatMasker) between scrambled

control and MERVL-KD embryos. DE repeats were defined as those with a

|FoldChange| ≥ 2 and Padj < 0.05 (binomial test with Benjamini–Hochberg

Nature Genetics


correction) and shown in red circles. MERVL-int and MT2_Mm were included

in downregulated repeats. (c) Violin plots indicate CPM values for chimeric

fusion transcripts in scrambled control and MERVL-KD two-cell stage embryos.

Each plot encompasses box plot; central bars represent medians, box edges

indicate 50% of data points, and the whiskers show 90% of data points. N.S., not

significant, two-tailed unpaired t-tests. Data for panels in a-c are available as

source data.


Extended Data Fig. 6 | RNA-seq analysis upon CRISPRi induction shows

that MERVLi embryos resemble ASO-mediated MERVL-KD embryos. (a)

Unsupervised hierarchical cluster of all annotated transcript profiles (n = 55,254)

from RNA-seq data in embryos from different groups and developmental stages.

Each dendrogram leaf represents an RNA-seq sample and the y-axis shows

the distance based on Pearson correlation between each pair of samples. (b)

Heatmap showing pairwise Pearson correlation coefficient of gene expression

between each pair of samples. (c) Dot plots showing RPKM values for MERVLint and MT2_Mm in GFPi control and MERVLi embryos. Central bars represent

medians, the top and bottom lines encompass 50% of the data points. (d) RNA-

Nature Genetics


seq differential gene expression analysis: MERVLi versus GFPi control embryos

obtained at two-cell, four-cell and eight-cell stages. 872, 535 and 273 genes

evinced significant changes in expression in MERVLi embryos (blue circles, Padj

< 0.05; binomial test with Benjamini–Hochberg correction). (e) Bubble plot

showing overlap between all DEGs in MERVLi embryos with the list of 2C genes

and DBTMEE v2 transcriptome categories. The bubble plot sizes show the -log10[P

values] derived from a hypergeometric test. (f) Track views show RNA-seq signals

in GFPi control and MERVLi embryos, on a representative 2C gene locus (as

defined in 12). The y-axis represents normalized tag counts for total RNA-seq in

each sample. Data for panels in a-e are available as source data.


Extended Data Fig. 7 | See next page for caption.

Nature Genetics



Extended Data Fig. 7 | miniATAC-seq analysis of control and MERVL-KD

embryos at two-cell, four-cell, and eight-cell stages. (a) Schematic of sample

collection for miniATAC-seq analysis in scrambled control and ASO-mediated

MERVL-KD embryos. We supplied apparently healthiest embryos upon MERVLKD for preparation of miniATAC-seq library. (b) Scatter plots showing the

Nature Genetics


reproducibility between biological replicates in miniATAC-seq data. Pearson

correlation values (R) are shown. (c) Track view of ATAC-seq read enrichments

at a representative chromosomal position in all biological replicates. The y-axis

represents normalized tag counts for ATAC-seq in each sample.




