
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of Unique Switching Systems Based on Multifunctional Hydrocarbons with Dibenzo-Fused Seven-Membered Rings」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of Unique Switching Systems Based on Multifunctional Hydrocarbons with Dibenzo-Fused Seven-Membered Rings

林, 裕貴 北海道大学



1-1. Well-Designed π-Conjugated Hydrocarbon Scaffolds
Rigid π-conjugated carbon scaffolds are important components that can determine the
fundamental characteristics of organic molecules, such as their geometries and physical properties.
The arrangement of carbon atoms involving π-conjugation and the modification of substituents
and fused-ring structures responsible for localization and/or delocalization of π-electrons can
control properties such as color, luminescence behavior, electrochemical properties, magnetism,
and reactivity of the molecules. ...



















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This study was carried out under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Yusuke Ishigaki

(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University). The author would like to

express his sincere gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. Yusuke Ishigaki for his consistent

guidance, suggestion, valuable discussions, encouragement, and so much help through the course

of his work. He taught the author the basics of the way to study.

The author would like to express the deepest appreciation to Professor Dr. Takanori Suzuki

(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University) for his kind guidance,

valuable discussion, encouragement, and so much help throughout the course of his work. The

author has grown as a researcher under his guidance and is sincerely glad to be one of the members

in his laboratory.

The author expresses deeply grateful to Assistant Professor Dr. Ryo Katoono (Department of

Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University) for his helpful guidance, valuable

discussion, encouragement and so much help throughout the course of this work.

The author would like to thank Professor Dr. Masaya Sawamura, Professor Dr. Takeshi

Ohkuma and Professor Dr. Aiichiro Nagaki for their valuable suggestion and discussion.

The author would like to be really thankful to Dr. Wataru Nojo for his helpful guidance,

valuable discussion, encouragement and so much help throughout the course of this work.

The author would like to give a special thanks to Assistant Professor Dr. Takuya Shimajiri

(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University) for his helpful guidance,

valuable discussion, encouragement and so much help throughout the course of this work.

The author expresses deeply grateful to Associate Professor Dr. Shuichi Suzuki (Graduate

School of Engineering Science, Osaka University) for the measurements of electron spin

resonance for the contents of Chapter 4.

The author is special grateful for Program for Leading Graduate Schools (Hokkaido University

“Ambitious Leader’s Program”) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and

Technology (MEXT), Japan for financial support and for giving him the opportunity to experience

various valuable programs to develop the skills necessary for active on the global stage.


The author is really thankful to Dr. Eri and Mr. Yusuke Takada (GC-MS & NMR Laboratory,

Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University) for the mass spectrometric analyses.

The author is deeply grateful to CNRS Research Director Dr. Maurice Médebielle and Assistant

Professor Dr. Jérémy Merad (Institute for Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry and

Biochemistry (ICBMS), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) for their hospitable support, heartfelt

guidance, valuable discussion, and so much encouragement during my stay in Lyon, France.

The author gives a special thanks to Mr. Keisuke Sugimoto, Dr. Sugawara, Mr. Hironori Aoki,

Mr. Masataka Saito and other members in Suzuki Laboratory for their valuable discussion and

giving his invaluable time.

The author is in acknowledgment of Research Fellowship of the Japan Society for the

Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists for Financial Support.

Finally, the author would like to express his deep and sincere gratitude to his family, Hiroko

Hayashi, Akihiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Hayashi and Masako Hayashi for their continuous financial

help and encouragement.

Yuki Hayashi

Graduate School of Chemical Science and Engineering

Hokkaido University






