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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Spatial non-uniformity of stress in the forearc region: an example of the middle Miocene southwest Japan arc」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Spatial non-uniformity of stress in the forearc region: an example of the middle Miocene southwest Japan arc

Abe, Noriaki 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k24428



1.1 Non-uniform stress in subduction zones
Revealing crustal stress and its transition is fundamental for understanding the mechanism and driving force of tectonics. Stress in the subduction zone reflects subductionrelated forces such as slab-induced dragging or pushing (perpendicular to the subduction
interface) and shear force driven by the subduction plate (along the interface) besides mantle
drag force acting on the base of the upper plate (Bal´azs et al., 2022). When only interaction between the subducting plate and the upper plate determines the upper plate stress, the
island arc suffers spatially uniform tension or compression (Chemenda et al., 2000). However, taking mantle drag force into consideration, backarc extension or shortening possibly
occur independently of forearc shortening (Schellart and Moresi, 2013). Therefore, when
discussing stress in the island arc, it is necessary to consider the spatial change of stress.
Especially in the forearc region, spatial variations in stress may be more complicated.
Previous studies have proposed the following features producing strain and stress variations or discontinuities in the forearc region. One of the most significant and common
structures is the difference in physical properties. “Backstop” (Fig. 1), defined as a region
with increased yielding strength compared to the region trenchward, plays a fundamental role in the evolution of forearc geometry (Dahlen, 1990). The continental arc basement possibly acts as a kinematic discontinuity and is called a “static” backstop (Kopp and
Kukowski, 2003). A corresponding stress shadow occurs over the backstop, allowing a
forearc basin with no or minor deformation (Byrne et al., 1993; Tsuji et al., 2015). As the
accretionary wedge grows, differences in physical property occur between the trenchward
outer wedge, the actively deforming accretionary wedge, and the landward inner wedge,
slowly deforming material resulting from an earlier accretion (Kopp and Kukowski, 2003).
Such a relatively consolidated landward region performs as a “dynamic” backstop. For
example, an out-of-sequence thrust branching upward from the subduction fault (Park et
al., 2002) exists along the Nankai subduction zone where the Philippines Sea Plate is submerged beneath the southwest Japan arc. The thrust is located under the outer arc high
bounding inner and outer wedges and is regarded as the dynamic backstop. Besides, strikeslip faults parallel to the trench are known in the obliquely subducting margins (Martin et
al., 2010; Mosher et al., 2008). ...


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* English translation from the original written in Japanese.





