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The interferon stimulated gene-encoded protein HELZ2 inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition and LINE-1 RNA-mediated type I interferon induction

Luqman-Fatah, Ahmad Watanabe, Yuzo Uno, Kazuko Ishikawa, Fuyuki Moran, John V. Miyoshi, Tomoichiro 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-35757-6



Some interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) encode proteins that inhibit LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposition. Here, we use immunoprecipitation followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to identify proteins that associate with the L1 ORF1-encoded protein (ORF1p) in ribonucleoprotein particles. Three ISG proteins that interact with ORF1p inhibit retrotransposition: HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase 5 (HERC5); 2′−5′-oligoadenylate synthetase-like (OASL); and helicase with zinc finger 2 (HELZ2). HERC5 destabilizes ORF1p, but does not affect its cellular localization. OASL impairs ORF1p cytoplasmic foci formation. HELZ2 recognizes sequences and/or structures within the L1 5′UTR to reduce L1 RNA, ORF1p, and ORF1p cytoplasmic foci levels. Overexpression of WT or reverse transcriptase-deficient L1s lead to a modest induction of IFN-α expression, which is abrogated upon HELZ2 overexpression. Notably, IFN-α expression is enhanced upon overexpression of an ORF1p RNA binding mutant, suggesting ORF1p binding might protect L1 RNA from “triggering” IFN-α induction. Thus, ISG proteins can inhibit retrotransposition by different mechanisms.












Statistics and reproducibility

All western blots and immunofluorescence were independently replicated three times to ensure reproducibility. The RNase assay experiment in Supplementary Fig. 5c, d was performed twice with similar

results observed. The rest of the experimental replicate numbers are

indicated in the figure legends. One-way ANOVA followed by

Bonferroni-Holm post hoc tests were performed for all statistical

analyses unless stated otherwise in the figure legends. All analyses

were performed using online website statistical calculator ASTATSA

2016 (https://www.astatsa.com/) or GraphPad Prism version 9.0.0 for

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We thank K. H. Burns, D. Ardeljan, T. Heidmann, M. T. Hayashi, D.

Trono, and Z. Izsvak for valuable reagents, all Ishikawa lab members

(especially Theventhiran, T. Makino, K. Sugino, and K. Nishimori), K.

Takahara, M. Miyoshi, and J. B. Moldovan for helpful discussions.

A.L.-F. was supported by JASSO and MEXT Scholarships. F.I. was

supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Number JP19H05655). J.V.M.

was supported, in part, by NIH grant GM060518. T.M. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Number JP18K06180 and 21K19219),

ISHIZUE 2021 of Kyoto University Research Development Programs,

and research grants from the Takeda Science Foundation, the Japan

Foundation for Applied Enzymology, the Sumitomo Foundation for

Basic Science Research Projects, and Astellas Foundation for

Research on Metabolic Disorders. A part of this study was conducted through the CORE Program of the Radiation Biology Center,

Kyoto University and was supported by the Core-to-Core

Program, JSPS.

Author contributions

A.L.-F., J.V.M., and T.M. conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed data, and prepared the manuscript. A.L.-F. and T.M. performed

experiments. Y.W. provided technical support and performed mass

spectrometry. K.U. conducted the Bio-Plex cytokine assay. F.I., J.V.M.,

and T.M. contributed to critical discussions, writing, and editing the

manuscript. All authors contributed to ideas.

Competing interests

J.V.M. is an inventor on patent US6150160, is a paid consultant for Gilead

Sciences, serves on the scientific advisory board to Tessera Therapeutics Inc. (where he is paid as a consultant and has equity options),

has licensed reagents to Merck Pharmaceutical, and recently served on

the American Society of Human Genetics Board of Directors. The other

authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information

Supplementary information The online version contains

supplementary material available at


Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to

Tomoichiro Miyoshi.

Peer review information Nature Communications thanks John LaCava

and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer

review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.

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