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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Observational Studies on Non-potential Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Observational Studies on Non-potential Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions

川畑, 佑典 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004353



In the solar atmosphere, the regions where the strong magnetic field concentrates are called active regions. Active regions sometimes produce explosive events, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections causing several influences to the geomagnetic environment. These explosive energy release events are produced by the energy stored in the magnetic field created by electric currents in the outer atmosphere, which is called a non-potential magnetic field. The main interest of this thesis is how the non-potential magnetic field is distributed in active regions. The measurements of the magnetic field have been mainly performed at the photospheric height. The coronal magnetic field measurements through polarimetric observations are difficult even with the state-of-art instruments. To overcome the difficulty, the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) modeling has been extensively used to infer the three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field in the solar corona. The main concept of the force-free field modeling is to extrapolate the coronal magnetic field from the spatial map of the magnetic field observed in the photosphere.

 We attempt to investigate the non-potential magnetic field and its 3D structure in active regions, while we tackle the technical problem in the NLFFF modeling. We focus on two different viewpoints with the NLFFF modeling and observations. One is the non-uniqueness of the solution and the other is the force-freeness of the photospheric magnetic field. The novelties in our studies are followings. (1)We investigate the dependency of the NLFFF calculation with respect to the initial guess of the 3D magnetic field. While previous studies often use potential field as the initial guess in the NLFFF modeling, we adopt the linear force-free fields with different constant force-free alpha as the initial guesses. This method enables us to investigate how unique the magnetic field obtained with the NLFFF extrapolation is. (2) We examine the direct measurements of the chromospheric magnetic field in the whole active regions through the spectropolarimetric observations at He I 10830 A° . The results of NLFFF extrapolation from the photosphere are compared with the direct measurements. The comparisons allow quantitative estimation of the NLFFF uncertainty.

 With these novelties, we obtained following findings. (1) The dependence of the initial condition of the NLFFF extrapolation is smaller in the strong magnetic field region. Therefore, the magnetic field at the lower height (< 10 Mm) tends to be less affected by the initial condition (correlation coefficient C > 0:9 with different initial condition), although the Lorentz force is concentrated at the lower height. The 10-100 times larger Lorentz force, which is normalized by the square of the magnetic field strength, remains at the lower height (< 10 Mm) than that at higher region (> 10 Mm). (2) Chromospheric magnetic field may have larger non-potentiality compared to the photospheric magnetic field. The large non-potentiality in the chromospheric height may not be reproduced by the NLFFF extrapolation from the photospheric magnetic field. The magnitude of the underestimation of the non-potentiality at the chromospheric height may reach 30-40 degree in signed shear angle. Our results indicate that while the NLFFF extrapolation produces unique result at the lower height, the non-potentiality is underestimated at the chromospheric height. From a comparative analysis of the chromospheric magnetic field and the NLFFF extrapolation for two active regions, we reveal that the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere may have higher non-potentiality than previously thought based on the NLFFF modeling. Our studies emphasize the importance of the chromospheric magnetic field measurements for more accurate 3D magnetic field modeling and the understanding of the non-potentiality in active regions corona. Because the non-potentiality is crucial in the MHD instability, our findings would improve the understanding of the onset mechanisms for solar flares and CMEs, which affect the environment in the solar system. In the current state, the chromospheric magnetic field observations in active regions are very few in number. We strongly suggest that we should make efforts to perform much more observations of the chromospheric magnetic field in flare-productive active regions with the future large aperture telescopes, giving improvement of the 3D magnetic field modeling.


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