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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Gaseous detonation with dilute water spray in a two-dimensional straight channel: analysis based on numerical simulation (本文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Gaseous detonation with dilute water spray in a two-dimensional straight channel: analysis based on numerical simulation (本文)

渡部, 広吾輝 慶應義塾大学



In this thesis, the gaseous detonation with dilute water spray in a two-dimensional (2D) straight channel is investigated by 2D numerical simulation. The numerical simulation is based on Eulerian-Lagrangian method and 2D compressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations, with the source term accounting for the detailed chemistry and the interaction with liquid phase. The main focus of the present study is to reveal the mean structure of gaseous detonation with dilute water spray, and the droplet behavior during the propagation of gaseous detonation with dilute water spray. The Chapter 1 introduces the background and the motivation of the present study. The mathematical model proposed in this study is explained in the Chapter 2. Then, the Chapter 3 presents the numerical methodology to couple and solve the mathematical model numerically. In the Chapter 4, the simulations referring to the experiment by Jarsalé, Virot & Chinnayya (2016) are conducted to validate the present numerical model through the comparison with the experimental data qualitatively. The velocity decreases and the change in the cellular structure by the addition of water droplets (WDs) show the similar tendency with the experiment and the simulation could reproduce the phenomena of gaseous detonation with WDs. The Chapter 5 quantitatively discusses and analyzes the mean structure of gaseous detonation with dilute WDs by the statistical Favre averaged one-dimensional profiles for both gas and dispersed phase. The mean structure of gaseous detonation with dilute WDs shares similar structure with that without WDs although the characteristic lengths for detonation are more or less increased due to the lower propagation velocity by the interaction with WDs. The interaction with WDs suppressed the fluctuation behind the front by the smaller length scale ratio of the droplet diameter to the turbulent length scale. The comparison of the characteristic lengths for gas phase and WDs reveals that the gas phase and WDs are intimately intertwined. In the present simulation conditions, the breakup occurs downstream of the induction zone and the water vapor from the evaporation does not affect the reactivity of the gaseous mixture. Furthermore, the laminar Master Equation for gaseous detonation laden with inert WDs is derived in this study and shows that the hydrodynamic thickness should rely on the gaseous sound speed. In the Chapter 6, the droplet behavior during the propagation of gaseous detonation with dilute WDs is qualitatively analyzed through the instantaneous flow fields and the Favre averaged one-dimensional profiles for WDs by categorizing WDs based on the initial shock strength and breakup intensity. The droplet breakup occurs inhomogeneously behind the front primarily by the jet, the transverse wave, the collision of the transverse waves, and the interaction between the receding jet and the transverse wave from the instantaneous flow field analysis. The WDs experiencing these factors continuously breakup further than the other WDs behind the front and the polydispersity in the droplet diameter from the monodisperse WDs originates. The initial shock strength which WDs experience does not affect the droplet diameter after the breakup nor play a role in generating the polydisperse spray. Finally, the main conclusions are drawn in the Chapter 7.



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