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界 波 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00014598



The traditional power system consists of large-scale generation station, long-distance transmission and distribution systems, and passive loads, owing to located remotely from electricity consumers, the system control structures are hierarchically without feedback.

Current electricity power grid and organizational principles should be restructured to meet the requirements of a carbon neutral society. Therefore, traditional large-scale power companies have begun separating generation, transmission, and distribution processes into individual units and enter the power markets. Technologies related to distributed energy resources (DERs) and power electronic devices have seen substantial advancements. The introduction of DERs, such as photovoltaics (PVs) and wind power, has been shown to be effective from the viewpoint of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and achieving energy security, especially in the context of efforts to mitigate global warming and climate change. Consequently, the introduction of DERs based on renewable energy sources (RESs) into power systems has been widely studied.

Considering handling the multitude of new DER technologies and the availability of power grid measurements, a new electricity power grid framework concept, referred to as “autonomous local power system,” was developed for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing power grids with significantly high integration levels of variable power generations and DERs. It requires the implementation of several new market mechanisms, including multilevel ancillary services such as balancing the power auction markets employed in case of autonomous local power systems. To enable resilient, reliable, and economic optimization of autonomous local power systems, the following characteristics should be realized:

• System stability in real time: Control algorithms must operate sufficiently fast so as to ensure real-time balancing of load and generation in electric grids. This aspect is currently employed to balance the power auction markets.

• Electricity supply quality: This entails a stable voltage regulation, with the handling of asynchronous data and the controlling actions of local power system voltage regulators; data from various asynchronous measurements must be used for optimizing voltage regulator actions.



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