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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Potato Plants under Drought, Heat, and Combined Drought-Heat Stress : Morpho-Physiological and Molecular Responses」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Potato Plants under Drought, Heat, and Combined Drought-Heat Stress : Morpho-Physiological and Molecular Responses

トゥリ, ハンダヤニ 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0000055072



Abiotic stress is the most limiting factor in crop yields, as it interferes with crop growth and development. Drought stress and heat stress are the major abiotic stresses hampering world food production. The intensity and distribution of drought and heat stress are becoming more severe with the present climate changes. The increasing average global temperature triggers the uprise of heat stress event, and the decreasing annual mean precipitation in some mid-latitude and sub-tropical regions leads to water deficit. Even more critical is when drought and heat stress occur together in nature. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the third most important food crop in the world. Although potatoes are grown worldwide over wide agro- climatic zones in various environments and seasons, potato plants require specific physiological conditions for growth and tuber production. High temperatures and water deficits have become the most serious constraints for potato production. Several research groups have examined the effects of drought stress or heat damage on potato, but few investigations of the effects of combined drought-heat stress have been reported. As an addition to the cultivated potato that is sensitive to abiotic stress, the genetic potato resources comprised of landraces and wild potato relatives (which could contribute to tolerance to a range of abiotic stress) have not been well studied.

Using diploid breeding lines and a tetraploid commercial potato, I studied how these potatoes respond to drought stress, to heat stress, and to a combination of drought and heat stress. The diploid breeding lines have various landraces and wild relatives' genetic backgrounds. The morphological and physiological responses of potatoes to PEG-induced drought stress, heat stress, and combined drought-heat stress are presented in Chapter 2. Abiotic stress-related traits were evaluated in a growth-room environment under non-stress and abiotic stress treatments, and the results demonstrated that all of the potato lines responded to the drought and combined drought-heat stress by reducing their plant height. In contrast, the potato lines' responses to the effect of heat stress on plant height differed; some heights increased while others decreased. The leaf size in all of the potato lines became smaller under drought, heat stress, and combined drought-heat stress compared to the non-stress condition. The potato plants responded to the drought stress and combined drought-heat stress by increasing their chlorophyll content and decreasing their relative water content (RWC). A decrease in water content related to wilting symptoms was observed under drought stress and under combined drought-heat stress. The potato line L1 (84.194.30) showed the lowest level of wilting in all three types of abiotic stress, supported by a small RWC change compared to the control condition; L1 is thus considered relatively tolerant to abiotic stress.

Several plant transcription factors (TFs) and genes are induced by abiotic stress and have substantial roles in improving the abiotic stress tolerance of plants. My evaluation of the expression levels of the abiotic stress-related genes StCEL, StTAS14, StnsLTP1, and StHSP70 under drought, heat, and combined drought-heat stress is discussed in Chapter 3. The gene expression levels were examined by a reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Samples were taken from potato plants under polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced drought stress, heat stress, and combined drought-heat stress in a growth room. The results showed that the abiotic stresses induced various levels of the expressions of StCEL, StTAS14, StnsLTP1, and StHSP70 in the potato plants. Generally, the combined drought-heat stress induced the highest expression levels of the tested abiotic stress- related genes. Under the different abiotic stresses, the potato lines showed different patterns of StCEL and StnsLTP1 expression levels.

Chapter 4 provides a general discussion. The potato lines' different responses to each type of abiotic stress indicates that the potato lines have different levels of sensitivity or tolerance to each abiotic stress. The potato lines can thus be used in other studies and in abiotic stress breeding programs. The simple abiotic stress- related traits described herein could be used to reliably differentiate stress-tolerant and stress-susceptible potato lines. The application of these traits will be helpful in screenings that involve a large number of accessions. The present findings also indicate that the expression levels of StCEL, StTAS14, StnsLTP1, and StHSP70 might be associated with different sensitivity or tolerance of potato lines in response to abiotic stress. More extensive investigations are thus necessary to further clarify the roles of these genes, particularly under combined drought-heat stress. The correlations between gene expression level and abiotic stress-related traits can be a consideration in the utilization the genes or the traits over diploid potato lines in future studies in 4x × 2x crosses to transfer genetic attributes.



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