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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Gliding performance is positively affected by the cranial movement of the abdominal organs」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Gliding performance is positively affected by the cranial movement of the abdominal organs




Swimming is an extremely popular sport worldwide. The streamlined body position is a crucial and foundational position for swimmers. Because the density of the lungs is low, the center of buoyancy is always on the cranial side, and the center of gravity is always on the caudal side. Prior studies reported that the greater the distance between the centers of buoyancy and gravity,
the more the swimmer’s legs will sink, which is disadvantageous to swimming performance.
However, how to reduce the distance between the centers of buoyancy and gravity has yet to be elucidated.
On the other hand, in humans, the abdominal cavity is large and contains many organs.
Previous studies have reported that, depending on posture, the location of these heavy abdominal organs can change in the abdomen. Hence, we hypothesized that a swimmer with high swimming performance can move their abdominal organs to the cranial side of the abdominal cavity, thus reducing the distance between the centers of buoyancy and gravity.

To evaluate the relationship between gliding performance and cranial movement of the abdominal organs in the streamlined body position of swimming.

Participants included 17 male college swimmers. The gliding distances of the participants in the streamlined body position were measured in a pool, and participants were divided into two groups based on the measurements.
In the high-performance group, the average gliding distance was >10 m, whereas in the low-performance group, the average gliding distance was <10 m.
Magnetic resonance imaging measurements were taken with participants in a resting position and in a prescribed streamlined body position. To examine the shape of the abdominal cavity, the cross-sectional area (CSA) was measured at three levels along the torso: the upper liver level, lower lung level, and umbilical level.

As compared with the low-performance group, the CSAs in the high-performance group increased significantly at the upper liver and lower lung levels and decreased significantly at the umbilical level.

Swimmers with high gliding performance exhibit different abdominal cavity shapes in the streamlined body position, which causes cranial movement of the abdominal organs.
This movement can reduce underwater torque, prevent the legs from sinking during swimming, and have a positive effect on swimming performance.



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