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馬 程前 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00014819



With the increasing requirement for the navigation safety and economy, the maneuverability in actual sea conditions attract more and more attention nowadays. As one of the most complex problems in the research of ship hydrodynamics, the maneuver motions in waves involves the performance of ship resistance, propulsion, maneuvering, seakeeping, and stability in waves simultaneously. With the improvement of the computational resources and algorithm, a solution of the hydrodynamic loads and motions of a ship maneuvering in waves based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method becomes possible recently.

 The objective of this dissertation is to detect the wave effect on the hydrodynamic loads and motions during the ship maneuvering in waves using a CFD method, which can be divided into the captive model test simulations in waves and the free-running test simulations in waves. Firstly, the wave effect on the maneuvering hydrodynamic derivatives in following waves is researched by simulating the Planer Motion Mechanism (PMM) tests in the surf-riding condition for the first time. The overset grid and Euler overlay method is adopted to achieve the simulations. Good agreement between the simulated results and the experimental ones reveals the accuracy and effectiveness of the present method. The wave effect on the hydrodynamic derivatives is also obtained, and the course stability in waves is calculated based on those derivatives to reveal the reason for the occurrence of the broaching-to phenomenon.

 To detect the wave effect on the hydrodynamic derivatives in a general wave condition, simulations of the PMM tests in head waves are carried out. The detailed change tendencies of the linear and nonlinear hydrodynamic derivatives in waves are summarized and calculation methods of all wave-affected hydrodynamic derivatives in numerical simulations are proposed.

 Considering the complexity of the utilization of wave-affected hydrodynamic derivatives on trajectory predictions, the direct simulations of free-running tests in waves are researched. Based on the moving grid, overset mesh technique and the body force method for a propeller effect, a zigzag test and a turning test in calm water are simulated and validated by the experimental data with acceptable accuracy. Then, zigzag tests, turning tests and course-keeping tests in regular and irregular wave are simulated combining accuracy and efficiency. The hydrodynamic loads on the hull and rudder are analyzed and the flow filed information is provided.

 In summary, the present research provides a useful method to conduct the captive model tests in waves which can be utilized for the research on captive model tests in waves later. In addition, the free-running test simulations in regular and irregular waves are achieved, which can contribute to the evaluation of the hydrodynamic performance and navigation safety in the future.



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