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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of Inhibitors Targeting an Insect Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Regulator Noppera-bo」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of Inhibitors Targeting an Insect Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Regulator Noppera-bo

稲葉, 和恵 筑波大学



Ecdysteroids are the principal insect steroid hormones essential for insect development and physiology. In the last 18 years, several enzymes responsible for ecdysteroid biosynthesis, encoded by Halloween genes, have been identified and well characterized, both genetically and biochemically. However, none of these proteins have yet been characterized at the tertiary structure level. Here, I report an integrated in silico, in vitro, and in vivo analyses of the Halloween glutathione S-transferase (GST) protein, Noppera-bo (Nobo). I determine crystal structures of Drosophila melanogaster. Nobo (DmNobo) complexed with glutathione and 17β-estradiol, a DmNobo inhibitor. 17β- estradiol almost fully occupied the putative ligand-binding pocket, and a prominent hydrogen bond formed between Asp113 of DmNobo and 17β- estradiol. Asp113 is essential for inhibiting DmNobo enzymatic activity by 17β- estradiol, as 17β-estradiol does not inhibit and physically interacts less with the Asp113Ala DmNobo point mutant. Asp113 is highly conserved among Nobo proteins, but not among other GSTs, implying that Asp113 is important for endogenous Nobo function. Indeed, a homozygous nobo allele possessing the Asp113Ala point mutation exhibits embryonic lethality with undifferentiated cuticle structure, a phenocopy of complete loss-of-function nobo homozygotes. These results suggest that the nobo family of GST proteins has acquired a unique amino acid residue, which seems to be essential for binding an endogenous sterol substrate to regulate ecdysteroid biosynthesis. This is the first study to reveal the structural characteristics of insect steroidogenic Halloween proteins. This study also provides basic insight into applied entomology for developing a new type of insecticides that specifically inhibit ecdysteroid biosynthesis.


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