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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Structural studies on the stalk region of the axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Structural studies on the stalk region of the axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain

Ko, Seolmin 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/93027




Structural studies on the stalk region of the
axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain


Ko, Seolmin


大阪大学, 2023, 博士論文

Version Type VoR



Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University

Form 3

Abstract of Thesis


( Ko Seolmin)

Structural studies on the stalk region of the axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (軸
Dynein motors, including axonemal and cytoplasmic dyneins, are an ATP-dependent microtubular motor

protein responsible for various biological processes and their dysfunction can lead to various diseases.
Despite its biological importance, structure-based dynein motor mechanisms remain unclear. In this study,
I focused on two specific aspects: the structural characterization of axonemal dynein stalk and the interaction
between cytoplasmic dynein microtubule-binding domain (MTBD) and microtubules.
For axonemal dynein, the X-ray crystal structure of human inner-arm dynein-d (DNAH1) with a long
coiled-coil stalk region was successfully determined as the first high resolution structure of axonemal dynein
stalk, enabling for a direct comparison with cytoplasmic and outer-arm dynein structures. The structural
comparison revealed distinctive characteristics in helical interaction, domain arrangement and flap motif
extension. Notably, additional analysis of knobs-into-hole packing of long coiled coil and relative domain
arrangement suggested a type-specific packing tightness and interacting pattern. Based on these findings,
a novel and isoform-specific "spike shoe model" was proposed to elucidate the role of the uniquely extended
flap motif in axonemal dynein. These findings provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanism of
axonemal dynein activity. Moreover, the first atomic structure of DNAH1 could be further used for a
representative example for future high-resolution axonemal inner-arm dynein complex studies.
Regarding cytoplasmic dynein, I aimed to investigate the structural details of the MTBD and its
interaction with microtubules. Previous attempts were limited by low-resolution structures or proteolysis
of the MTBD during crystallization. To overcome these challenges, I developed a new construct, modified
SRS-dynein fusion protein with α registry, fused with seryl tRNA-synthetase (SRS), to stabilize its coiled
coil registry to “alpha” with high binding affinity to microtubule. Additionally, I utilized the porcine

tubulin and D1 DARPin protein to form a triple complex of SRS-dynein, D1 DARPin, and the porcine tubulin dimer
for crystallization. Although I encountered difficulties with protein stability, I successfully obtained both
the triple complexed proteins and modified SRS-dynein crystals in the desired form. Finally, I propose using
she1 in future strategies to improve protein stability and gain a better understanding of the dynein-tubulin
Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein motors by providing
new insights into their structural characteristics and how they interact with microtubules.

様式 7






主 査

栗 栖 源 嗣

副 査

原 田 慶 恵

副 査

中 川 敦 史

副 査

隆 英

学位申請 者は ,細 胞内 で はたら く分 子モ ータ ーで あ るダイ ニン に着 目し 「Structural studies on the stalk
region of the axonemal and cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain(軸糸および細胞質ダイニン重鎖にあるストーク
ダイニンは,AAA+スーパーファミリーに属する巨大な分子複合体で,ATP 加水分解のエネルギーをつかって力
た。本論文で申請者は,ヒト内腕ダイニン d(DNAH1)の長い逆平行コイルドコイルと微小管結合ドメイン(MTBD)
を含むストーク領域の X 線結晶構造を 2.7 Å 分解能で決定した。これは内腕ダイニンのコイルドコイルを含む領
着目したのは,ストーク領域のコイルドコイルと MTBD との相対的な配置が細胞質ダイニンとは異なっていた点で
ある。さらにβヘアピン構造をとる MTBD から突き出た“フラップ”と呼ばれる領域も,部分構造がわかっている
他 2 種の内腕ダイニンとは異なった向きに突き出ており,内腕ダイニン(DNAH1)と微小管の間の相互作用につい
さらに,ダイニンのコイルドコイルを安定化するセリル tRNA 合成酵素との融合タンパク質を設計し,アダプ
申請者は,軸糸ダイニンのうち構造情報が少なかった内腕ダイニンに着目し,DNAH1 のコイルドコイルと MTBD



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List of publication

1. Seolmin Ko, Akiyuki Toda, Hideaki Tanaka, Jian Yu, Genji Kurisu (2023) Crystal structure

of the stalk region of axonemal inner-arm dynein-d reveals unique features in the coiled-coil

and microtubule-binding domain. FEBS Letters, available online ahead of print. Available from:






