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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Environmental Assessment for Optimizing Agricultural Production and Food Nutrition Requirement from Traditional Food Intake System in Cambodia」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Environmental Assessment for Optimizing Agricultural Production and Food Nutrition Requirement from Traditional Food Intake System in Cambodia

HOR, RATHNA 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002002141



A diet choice, a habit of consumption, and cooking style are correlated with environmental impact as climate change as carbon dioxide emission. Effect of the environment is occurred by production activities and energy of cooking through type and quantity of consumptive food. These activities of food production, food preparation, and food cooking are influent to air, water, and land pollution. The food is justified of people's well- being and affected to grow up condition. The people are insufficient to eat food, have eaten too much of high-fat food, high-sugar food, or high-salt food leading to malnutrition as obese, overweight, etc. Therefore, some people have not eaten enough nutrient-rich the same as a vegetable, fruit, bean, meat, and milk according to type and quantity needs. The food is required energy for cooking to improve taste, quality, and safe. Moreover, cooking energy is also affected to human welfare and environmental impact, the people are not utilized clean fuel to cook the food. Nutrient-rich balances have traditional Cambodian food that is sustainable environmental greenness compared to conventional diets. Lack of evidence and knowledge on nutrient intake, the energy of cooking, and the environmentally friendly of traditional food. The connection between food nutrition, the energy of cooking, and its impact on the environment can be evaluated using carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from agricultural production and cooking energy according to life cycle assessment (LCA). This study objective was to estimate the CO2 equivalent (eq) emission based on the traditional Cambodian diet and cooking energy using LCA, beginning at each agricultural production stage and cooking stage through type and amount of food consumption.

In chapter 3, a one-year food consumption scenario with the traditional diet was established. The traditional Cambodian food was selected 12 food sets (FS1-12) which FS1- 5 were breakfast sets and FS6-12 were lunch and dinner sets. The food set contented of food items as wheat, rice, rice and noodles, fish, pork, chicken, and beef, egg, vegetables (oil and vegetable spices), and fruits. The food sets were consumed at the same rate and compared using LCA. Therefore, the food serving size is defined on two consumers’ age kinds (K1: below and 9 years old and K2: over and10 years old. The food set was 200-205 g for K1 and 330-335 g for K2. Both groups of the food sets were considered on the recommendation of nutrition included food for macronutrients and micronutrients. Therefore, food for macronutrients showed FS1 and FS2 was the low-calorie amounts of K1 and K2 and a high-calories was FS3 of K1 and K2 as breakfast menu. Moreover, FS9 and FS7 were the high and low-calorie amounts of K1 and K2 as lunch and dinner menu. FS4, FS5, FS6, FS8, FS10, FS11, FS12 of K1 and K2 were calorie amounts as normal. Additionally, food for macronutrients was met nutrient recommendations (Table 3.2; Figure 3.3). Food for micronutrients showed FS5 and FS4 were low and high in Fe and Ca amounts; FS5 and FS1 were low and high in Zn amounts for mineral intake as breakfast menu. Therefore, soluble vitamins in water showed B1, B9, and B12 were low in FS5 amounts; B3, B6, and C were low in FS1, FS4, and FS3 amounts, respectively. Soluble vitamins in fat showed A and D were low in FS5 amounts. The food for micronutrients was met the requirement needs. FS6- 12 as lunch and dinner menu of micronutrients showed Fe and Zn were high in FS11 amounts; Ca was high in FS10 for mineral amounts. Soluble vitamins in water showed B1, B6, B9, C was high in FS6 amounts; B2 and B12 were high in FS9 amounts; B3 was high in FS10 amounts. Soluble vitamins in fat showed A and D were high in FS11 and FS10 amounts, respectively. Both of consumers’ age of Cambodia’s traditional diets were met minimum nutrient for children and maximum nutrient for adults. Food for micronutrients in the proposed scenario was higher than in the existing scenario.

Both consumers went beyond the minimum and maximum food nutrition requirements. The total food consumption and carbon dioxide emission were compared between existing and proposed scenarios. According to the food set consumption was showed that total quantity of food consumption was required the highest 1.48 million tons (Mt) of vegetable, followed by rice 1.18 Mt, and lowest cooking oil 0.04 Mt. The total of food consumption was required 5.1 Mt equal to 50.3% of proposed scenario, decreasing 40.70% compared with the existing scenario. Therefore, the greenhouse gas emission of carbon dioxide equivalent was emitted depending on the typical food items which consisted of the food set. FS5 and FS11 had the lowest and highest emissions (0.3 Mt CO2 eq/yr and 1.2 Mt CO2 eq/yr, respectively). Total Cambodian carbon dioxide emission of proposed scenario was emitted 6.9 Mt CO2 eq, reducing 28.9% compared to existing scenario.

In Chapter 4, a one-year cooking energy scenario based on LPG 24%, firewood 66.7%, and charcoal 7.4% for cooking traditional food was studied on one person through 12 menus of the BF1-5 and LD1-7. The result showed that total cooking emission was emitted depending on LPG, firewood, and charcoal. The LPG had emitted 0.3 kg CO, 1.3 kg PM 2.5, and 0.1 Mt CO2. Firewood was emitted 149 kg CO, 16 kg PM 2.5, and 0.27 Mt CO2. Therefore, charcoal was emitted 32 kg CO, 8 kg PM 2.5, and 0.04 Mt CO2. So, existing and proposed was emitted 0.55 Mt CO2 eq and 0.41 Mt CO2 eq, respectively, that reduced 25.54%. In conclusion, the country’s existing food production system generates CO2 emissions of 9.7 Mt CO2 eq/yr, with the proposed system and cooking energy reducing these by 28.68% to 7.3 Mt CO2 eq/yr. The food calories, minerals, and vitamins met the recommended dietary allowance and the emission reduction according to traditional Cambodian food through the type and quantity of diet. The people consumed the right amount and type of nutrient food; however, they were still sufficiency on health conditions because of unclean fuel using in the cooking environment.



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