
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Extended-spectrum antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia with a low risk for drug-resistant pathogens」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Extended-spectrum antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia with a low risk for drug-resistant pathogens

小林, 弘典 名古屋大学




Extended-spectrum antibiotics for
community-acquired pneumonia with
a low risk for drug-resistant pathogens




(指導:石井 誠
小林 弘典


耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)薬などの広域抗
初期抗菌薬を選択するためには薬剤耐性菌のリスク評価は必須である。2019 年に改定
さ れ た 胸 部 疾 患 学 会 、 感 染 症 学 会 (ATS/IDSA: American Thoracic Society/ Infectious
Diseases Society of America)の市中肺炎ガイドラインでは、初期抗菌薬を選択するため
に、まず肺炎の重症度を評価し、次に緑膿菌や MRSA をはじめとする薬剤耐性菌の検
本研究は 2019 ATS/IDSA 市中肺炎ガイドラインの治療戦略に沿った際の、薬剤耐性
本研究では、日本の 4 施設で 2013 年 4 月 1 日から 2014 年 3 月 31 日までに行われ
た、市中肺炎に対する前向き観察研究の post hoc 解析を行った。入院を要した 20 歳以
上の市中肺炎(医療ケア関連肺炎を含む)患者の中で、2019 ATS/IDSA 市中肺炎ガイド
には 2007 IDSA/ATS criteria を用いた。薬剤耐性菌の予測モデルは先行研究で我々が作
成し、評価したルールを用いた。抗菌薬治療は、標準治療群と広域抗菌薬群の 2 群に
分類した。非重症肺炎であれば緑膿菌活性のない β ラクタム+マクロライド(または
ミノサイクリン)、またはフルオロキノロン単剤を、重症肺炎であれば β ラクタム+マ
クロライド、または β ラクタム+フルオロキノロンを標準治療と定義した。広域抗菌
薬は、重症度にかかわらず抗緑膿菌薬または抗 MRSA 薬の使用と定義した。Primary
endpoint は 30 日死亡割合とし、subgroup 解析として肺炎重症度別の、広域抗菌薬が予
ける死亡リスク因子と示されている、5 つの因子(歩行不能状態、呼吸数、アルブミン
値、pH 値、尿素窒素値)で調整した多変量解析を行った。結果の頑健性を評価するた


め、Propensity score 解析を含む 3 つの感度分析を行った。
750 例の登録患者のうち、721 例が適格と判定された。その中で 627 例が薬剤耐性菌
低リスク患 者であり、 257 例で標準治療を受 け、159 例で広域抗菌 薬投与を受 けた
(Figure 1)。広域抗菌薬群では標準治療群と比較し、慢性呼吸器疾患、中枢神経疾患既
往、歩行不能状態、vital signs 不良、低アルブミン血症や BUN 高値、動脈血ガス所見
異常、重症肺炎の割合が高かった(Table 1)。初期抗菌薬は、標準治療群では重症度に
よらず非緑膿菌活性の β-lactam とマクロライド併用療法が最も多かった。広域抗菌薬
ルバペネム系抗菌薬とマクロライドの併用療法が最も多かった。広域抗菌薬群では βlactam とマクロライド併用療法は 60%以上で行われた(Table 2)。
で 30 日死亡割合は高かった(Figure 2)。主解析である多変量解析の結果、広域抗菌薬
は 30 日死亡割合を増加させる因子だった(補正オッズ比:2.82, 95% 信頼区間:1.20–
6.65)。Propensity score 解析を含む 3 つの感度分析でも、一貫して広域抗菌薬は 30 日
死亡割合を増加させた(Table 3)。Subgroup 解析の結果、非重症肺炎では広域抗菌薬は
30 日死亡割合を増加させた(補正オッズ比:4.47, 95% 信頼区間:1.30–15.36)一方、重症
肺炎では広域抗菌薬は 30 日死亡割合を増加させる傾向だった(補正オッズ比:1.71,
95% 信頼区間:0.48–6.11)。
本研究は薬剤耐性菌低リスクの市中肺炎入院患者に対して、2019 ATS/IDSA 市中肺
える影響を初めて評価した研究である。主解析及び 3 つの感度分析全てで一貫して、
広域抗菌薬が 30 日死亡割合を増加させ、非重症肺炎でより顕著だった。
して、2019 ATS/IDSA 市中肺炎ガイドラインに準じた初期抗菌薬選択を行うことで、
30 日死亡割合を増加させる統計学的有意差が認められなかったことから、重症肺炎で
ラ シ リ ン /タ ゾ バ ク タ ム や バ ン コ マ イ シ ン な ど の 広 域 抗 菌 薬 に よ る 腎 毒 性 や 、C.
difficile infection を含む二次感染発症増加と関連しており、肺炎患者の腎毒性や二次感


本研究ではいくつかの limitation がある。まず、本研究は以前行われた前向き観察研
究の post hoc 解析である。次に、未知の交絡因子や、症例数が少ないことも挙げられ
外の市中肺炎には本研究結果は適応できると考えられる。これらの limitation はある


Table 1. Patient characteristics.
Age ≥80 years
Sex, male
Neoplastic diseases
Chronic lung diseases
Congestive heart failure
Chronic renal diseases
Chronic dialysis
Chronic liver diseases
Central nervous system disorders
Diabetes mellitus
Non-ambulatory statusb
Pneumonia type
Community-acquired pneumonia
Healthcare-associated pneumonia
Physical findings
Orientation disturbance, confusion
Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg
Pulse rate ≥125 beats/min
Respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min
Body temperature <36℃
Laboratory findings
White blood cell count <4,000 cells/μL
Hematocrit <30.0%
Platelet count <100,000 cells/μL
Albumin <3.0 g/dL
Total bilirubin ≥1.2 mg/dLc
Glucose <60 mg/dL or ≥250 mg/dLd
Blood urea nitrogen ≥20 mg/dL
Creatinine ≥1.2 mg/dL
Sodium concentration <130 mmol/L or ≥150 mmol/L
Potassium concentration <3.0 mmol/L or ≥6.0 mmol/L
C-reactive protein ≥20 mg/dL
pH <7.35e
PaO2/FIO2 ratio ≤ 250e
PaCO2 ≥50 Torre
Radiological findings
Bilateral lung involvement
Pleural effusion
Pneumonia Severity Index classf
I–III (mild)
IV (moderate)
V (severe)

Standard therapy
(n = 257)
77 (30.0)
169 (65.8)

Extended-spectrum therapy
(n = 159)
61 (38.4)
118 (74.2)

36 (14.0)
89 (34.6)
33 (12.8)
24 (9.3)
4 (1.6)
6 (2.3)
25 (9.7)
45 (17.5)
11 (4.3)
20 (7.8)

30 (18.9)
71 (44.7)
27 (17.0)
12 (7.5)
3 (1.9)
5 (3.1)
28 (17.6)
24 (15.1)
19 (11.9)
30 (18.9)

208 (80.9)
49 (19.1)

102 (64.2)
57 (35.8)

36 (14.0)
7 (2.7)
20 (7.8)
41 (16.0)
1 (0.4)

41 (25.8)
15 (9.4)
26 (16.4)
47 (29.6)
5 (3.1)

5 (1.9)
21 (8.2)
1 (0.4)
48 (18.7)
40 (15.7)
12 (4.7)
98 (38.1)
52 (20.2)
18 (7.0)
8 (3.1)
66 (25.7)
14 (5.6)
61 (23.7)
13 (5.2)

8 (5.0)
20 (12.6)
13 (8.2)
67 (42.1)
29 (18.4)
12 (7.6)
83 (52.2)
37 (23.3)
19 (11.9)
7 (4.4)
48 (30.2)
24 (16.8)
69 (43.4)
20 (14.0)

106 (41.2)
40 (15.6)

96 (60.4)
35 (22.0)

114 (45.2)
106 (42.1)
32 (12.7)

33 (22.9)
60 (41.7)
51 (35.4)

Data are presented as no (%). Abbreviation: PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; FIO2, fraction of inspiration oxygen;
PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
aImmunosuppression included any immunosuppressive disease, such as congenital or acquired immunodeficiency,
hematologic diseases, and neutropenia (1,000 cells/μL), treatment with immunosuppressive drugs within the previous
30 days, or corticosteroids at a daily dose of at least 10 mg/day of a prednisone equivalent for more than 2 weeks.
bNon-ambulatory status was defined as being bedridden or using a wheelchair due to difficulty in walking.
cThe number of patients in which total bilirubin was assessed was 255 and 158 in the standard therapy and the extendedspectrum therapy groups, respectively.
dThe number of patients in which glucose was assessed was 256 and 157 in the standard therapy and the extendedspectrum therapy groups, respectively.
eArterial blood gas analysis was performed in 248 and 143 in the standard therapy and the extended-spectrum therapy
groups, respectively. For patients in whom arterial blood gas analyses were not performed, PaO2 was estimated from
fThe Pneumonia Severity Index was assessed in 252 receiving standard therapy and 144 receiving extended-spectrum


Table 2. Administered initial antibiotics.
Standard therapy
(n = 257)


(n = 159)

(n = 215)

(n = 42)

(n = 93)

(n = 66)

16 (7.4)

0 (0)

23 (24.7)

11 (16.7)

9 (9.7)

1 (1.5)

4 (4.3)

12 (18.2)

Ampicillin-sulbactam + azithromycin

87 (40.5)

22 (52.4)

Ceftriaxone + azithromycin

112 (52.1)

17 (40.5)

0 (0)

2 (4.8)

0 (0)

1 (2.4)

Piperacillin-tazobactam + macrolides

20 (21.5)

7 (10.6)

Piperacillin-tazobactam + levofloxacin

4 (4.3)

3 (4.5)

7 (7.5)

4 (6.1)

13 (14.0)

13 (19.7)

10 (10.8)

8 (12.1)



Combination therapy

Ampicillin-sulbactam + levofloxacin
Ceftriaxone + levofloxacin




+ azithromycin


+ levofloxacin

+ azithromycin

Piperacillin-tazobactam + anti-MRSA


0 (0)

2 (3.0)

Piperacillin-tazobactam + azithromycin + anti-MRSA antibioticse

1 (1.1)

1 (1.5)

Meropenem + anti-MRSA antibioticse

1 (1.1)

1 (1.5)

Meropenem + azithromycin + vancomycin

0 (0)

1 (1.5)

Meropenem + levofloxacin + vancomycin

0 (0)

1 (1.5)

Ceftriaxone + teicoplanin

0 (0)

1 (1.5)

Levofloxacin + linezolid

1 (1.1)

0 (0)

Abbreviations: MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Data are presented as no (%).
aMoxifloxacin, levofloxacin or garenoxacin were defined as quinolones.
bCeftazidime, cefepime, cefozopran or cefoperazone-sulbactam were defined as antipseudomonal cephalosporins.
cMeropenem, imipenem-cilastatin or doripenem were defined as carbapenems.
dAzithromycin or clarithromycin were defined as macrolides.
eVancomycin, teicoplanin or linezolid were defined as anti-MRSA antibiotics.


Table 3. Associations of antibiotics with 30-day mortalities in the crude, multivariable, propensity
score and stratified analyses.
No. of events/ no. of patients at risk

30-day all-cause mortality

Standard therapy

10/257 (3.9%)

Extended-spectrum therapy

22/159 (13.8%)

Crude analysis—odds ratio (95% CI)

3.97 (1.83–8.62)

2.82 (1.20–6.65)

Multivariable analysis—odds ratio (95% CI)
Sensitivity analyses

Multivariable analysis—odds ratio (95% CI)c

2.88 (1.22–6.83)

Propensity score analysis with inverse-probability of treatment weighting
Stratified analysis by Pneumonia Severity Indexe


2.82 (1.11–7.16)
3.25 (1.41–7.50)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval.
aOverall, 27 patients in the standard therapy group and 10 patients in the extended-spectrum therapy were lost to 30day follow-up; however, they were all discharged from the hospital with improvement in pneumonia.
bOdds ratio from the multivariable logistic regression analysis. Covariables include non-ambulatory status, respiratory
rate ≥30/min, albumin <3.0 g/dL, pH <7.35, blood urea nitrogen ≥20 mg/dL. The analysis comprised 391 patients (248
who underwent standard therapy and 143 who underwent extended-spectrum therapy). 25 patients were excluded due
to missing values.
cOdds ratio from the multivariable logistic regression analysis. Covariables include age ≥80 yr, non-ambulatory status,
body temperature <36.0°C, respiratory rate ≥30/min, white blood cell count ≤4,000 cells/μL, hematocrit <30.0%,
albumin <3.0 g/dL, arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure ≥50 Torr. The analysis comprised 391 patients (248 who
underwent standard therapy and 143 who underwent extended-spectrum therapy). 25 patients were excluded due to
missing values.
dOdds ratio from the inverse-probability of treatment weighting analysis according to the propensity score for
antibiotics. The analysis comprised 389 patients (247 who underwent standard therapy and 142 who underwent
extended-spectrum therapy). 27 patients were excluded due to missing values.
eOdds ratio from the stratified analysis by Pneumonia Severity Index classes. The analysis comprised 396 patients (252
who underwent standard therapy and 144 who underwent extended-spectrum therapy). 20 patients were excluded due
to missing values.


Figure 1. Patient flow.
Abbreviations: DRP, drug-resistant pathogen; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia.
CAP-DRPs were defined as pathogens not susceptible to antibiotics commonly administered in patients with CAP,
including nonantipseudomonal β-lactam (ceftriaxone or ampicillin-sulbactam), macrolides (azithromycin or
clarithromycin), and fluoroquinolones (moxifloxacin, levofloxacin or garenoxacin).
aIdentified DRPs were as follows: 10, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 18, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; and
3, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in nonsevere patients; and 4, P. aeruginosa; 2, methicillin-resistant S. aureus patients
with severe CAP. P. aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant S. aureus were detected simultaneously in four patients, two
nonsevere and two severe.
bPatients at low risk of CAP-DRPs were defined as those without prior isolation of DRPs and those with severe CAP
and not at a high risk of CAP-DRPs using locally validated prediction rules in Japan.
cStandard therapy involved a nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a macrolide (or minocycline) or a respiratory
fluoroquinolone for patients with nonsevere CAP and a nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a macrolide or a
nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a respiratory fluoroquinolone for patients with severe CAP. Extended-spectrum
therapy was defined as any antibiotics against P. aeruginosa or methicillin-resistant S. aureus.


Figure 2.30-day mortality in the treatment groups based on severity.
Abbreviation: CAP, community-acquired pneumonia.
Standard therapy involved a nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a macrolide (or minocycline) or a respiratory
fluoroquinolone for patients with nonsevere CAP and a nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a macrolide or a
nonantipseudomonal β-lactam plus a respiratory fluoroquinolone for patients with severe CAP. Extended-spectrum
therapy was defined as any antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Proportions of 30-day mortality for the standard therapy and extended-spectrum therapy groups were compared for all
patients (a), those with nonsevere CAP (b), and those with severe CAP (c).




All authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors authorship criteria. HK and YS designed this study. DK,

YS, HK, TS, YM, TY, and HS participated in data acquisition. HK, YS,

and SM created the statistical analysis plan, which was reviewed

by all authors. HK, YS, TS, YM, MY, AM, KS, KM, RE, and SM contributed to data interpretation. HS and YH contributed to study supervision. HK and YS wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. TS,

YM, MY, AM, TY, and SM contributed to the critical revision of the

manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors approved

the final draft.

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This work was partially supported by the Japan Society for

the Promotion of Science KAKENHI (grant number 20K08517). This

study was also supported by the Central Japan Lung Study Group,

a nonprofit organization supported by unrestricted donations from

the following pharmaceutical companies: Chugai Pharmaceutical

Co., Ltd.; Shionogi & Co., Ltd.; Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.; Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd.; Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.; Eli

Lilly Japan K.K.; Taisho Toyama Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Meiji Seika

Pharma Co., Ltd.; MSD K.K.; Bayer Holding Ltd.; Astellas Pharma

Inc.; and Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd. The founders of

the Central Japan Lung Study Group had no role in the design and

conduct of the study; gathering, management, analysis, and interpretation of data; and preparation of the manuscript.

Declaration of Competing Interest

All of the following information provides relevant financial activities outside of the submitted work. YS reports personal fees

(payment for lectures, including service on speaker bureaus) from

KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; AstraZeneca K.K.; Daiichi Sankyo

Company, Limited; Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.; GlaxoSmithKline plc; and Gilead Sciences Inc. and participates as a

member of the case adjudication committee of GlaxoSmithKline

Biologicals SA. TY reports grants and personal fees (payment for

lectures, including service on speakers bureaus) from Shionogi &

Co., Ltd.; Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd.; and MSD K.K. SM

reports personal fees (payment for consultations in other studies) from Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. YH reports grants and

personal fees (payment for lectures, including service on speakers

bureaus) from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; MSD K.K.; GlaxoSmithKline plc; KYORIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Pfizer Japan Inc.;

Meiji Seika Pharma Co, Ltd.; Sanofi K.K.; and Daiichi Sankyo Inc. All

other authors have no competing interests to declare.


The authors would like to thank Drs. Ryota Ito, Mai Iwaki, Yuka

Tomita, Mitsutaka Iguchi, Tomohiko Ogasawara, Yasuteru Sugino,

and Hiroyuki Taniguchi for the acquisition of data; Drs. Yosuke

Goto, Kunihiko Takahashi, and Nancy Thabet for their comments

on the manuscript. The authors are grateful to the clinical research


H. Kobayashi, Y. Shindo, D. Kobayashi et al.

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