
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「成人自己炎症性疾患の基礎と 臨床の融合による最適化医療の開発」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




成人自己炎症性疾患の基礎と 臨床の融合による最適化医療の開発

桐野 洋平 横浜市立大学






1 ) McDermott MF‚ Aksentijevich I‚ Galon J‚ McDermott EM‚ Ogunkolade BW‚ Centola M‚ et al.: Germline mutations in the extracellular domains of the 55 kDa TNF receptor‚ TNFR1‚ define a family of dominantly inherited autoinflammatory syndromes. Cell‚ 97(1): 133 -144‚ 1999. Epub 1999/04/13.

2 ) Kastner DL‚ Aksentijevich I‚ Goldbach-Mansky R: Autoinflammatory disease reloaded: a clinical perspective. Cell‚ 140(6): 784-790‚ 2010. Epub 2010/03/23.

3 ) Nidorf SM‚ Fiolet ATL‚ Mosterd A‚ Eikelboom JW‚ Schut A‚ Opstal TSJ‚ et al.: Colchicine in Patients with Chronic Coronary Disease. The New England journal of medicine‚ 383(19): 1838-1847‚ 2020. Epub 2020/09/01.

4 ) Kirino Y‚ Bertsias G‚ Ishigatsubo Y‚ Mizuki N‚ TugalTutkun I‚ Seyahi E‚ et al.: Genome-wide association analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for Behcetʼs disease and epistasis between HLA-B*51 and ERAP1. Nature genetics‚ 45(2): 202-207‚ 2013. Epub 2013/01/08.

5 ) Kirino Y‚ Zhou Q‚ Ishigatsubo Y‚ Mizuki N‚ Tugal-Tutkun I‚ Seyahi E‚ et al.: Targeted resequencing implicates the familial Mediterranean fever gene MEFV and the tolllike receptor 4 gene TLR4 in Behcet disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America‚ 110(20): 8134-8139‚ 2013. Epub 2013/05/02.

6 ) Tsuchida N‚ Kirino Y‚ Soejima Y‚ Onodera M‚ Arai K‚ Tamura E‚ et al.: Haploinsufficiency of A20 caused by a novel nonsense variant or entire deletion of TNFAIP3 is clinically distinct from Behcetʼs disease. Arthritis research & therapy‚ 21(1): 137‚ 2019. Epub 2019/06/06.

7 ) Nakano H‚ Kirino Y‚ Takeno M‚ Higashitani K‚ Nagai H‚ Yoshimi R‚ et al.: GWAS-identified CCR1 and IL10 loci contribute to M1 macrophage-predominant inflammation in Behcetʼs disease. Arthritis research & therapy‚ 20(1): 124‚ 2018. Epub 2018/06/14.

8 ) Kirino Y‚ Ideguchi H‚ Takeno M‚ Suda A‚ Higashitani K‚ Kunishita Y‚ et al.: Continuous evolution of clinical phenotype in 578 Japanese patients with Behcetʼs disease: a retrospective observational study. Arthritis research & therapy‚ 18(1): 217‚ 2016. Epub 2016/10/08.

9 ) Soejima Y‚ Kirino Y‚ Takeno M‚ Kurosawa M‚ Takeuchi M‚ Yoshimi R‚ et al.: Changes in the proportion of clinical clusters contribute to the phenotypic evolution of Behcetʼs disease in Japan. Arthritis research & therapy‚ 23(1): 49‚ 2021. Epub 2021/02/02.

10) Beck DB‚ Ferrada MA‚ Sikora KA‚ Ombrello AK‚ Collins JC‚ Pei W‚ et al.: Somatic Mutations in UBA1 and Severe Adult-Onset Autoinflammatory Disease. The New England journal of medicine‚ 383(27): 2628-2638‚ 2020. Epub 2020/10/28.

11) Tsuchida N‚ Kunishita Y‚ Uchiyama Y‚ Kirino Y‚ Enaka M‚ Yamaguchi Y‚ et al.: Pathogenic UBA1 variants associated with VEXAS syndrome in Japanese patients with relapsing polychondritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases‚ 80(8): 1057-1061‚ 2021. Epub 2021/04/02.

12) Giacomelli R‚ Ruscitti P‚ Shoenfeld Y: A comprehensive review on adult onset Stillʼs disease. Journal of autoimmunity‚ 93: 24-36‚ 2018. Epub 2018/08/06.

13) Kawaguchi Y‚ Terajima H‚ Harigai M‚ Hara M‚ Kamatani N: Interleukin-18 as a novel diagnostic marker and indicator of disease severity in adult-onset Stillʼs disease. Arthritis and rheumatism‚ 44(7): 1716-1717‚ 2001. Epub 2001/ 07/24.

14) Jamilloux Y‚ Gerfaud-Valentin M‚ Martinon F‚ Belot A‚ Henry T‚ Seve P: Pathogenesis of adult-onset Stillʼs disease: new insights from the juvenile counterpart. Immunologic research‚ 61(1-2): 53-62‚ 2015. Epub 2014/11/13.

15) Nagai H‚ Kirino Y‚ Nakano H‚ Kunishita Y‚ Henmi R‚ Szymanski AM‚ et al.: Elevated serum gasdermin D N-terminal implicates monocyte and macrophage pyroptosis in adult-onset Stillʼs disease. Rheumatology (Oxford),60(8): 3888-3895‚ 2021. Epub 2021/02/08.
