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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Elucidating disease-associated mechanisms triggered by pollutants via the epigenetic landscape using large-scale ChIP-Seq data」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Elucidating disease-associated mechanisms triggered by pollutants via the epigenetic landscape using large-scale ChIP-Seq data

Zou, Zhaonan Yoshimura, Yuka Yamanishi, Yoshihiro Oki, Shinya 京都大学 DOI:10.1186/s13072-023-00510-w



[Background] Despite well-documented effects on human health, the action modes of environmental pollutants are incompletely understood. Although transcriptome-based approaches are widely used to predict associations between chemicals and disorders, the molecular cues regulating pollutant-derived gene expression changes remain unclear. Therefore, we developed a data-mining approach, termed “DAR-ChIPEA, ” to identify transcription factors (TFs) playing pivotal roles in the action modes of pollutants. [Methods] Large-scale public ChIP-Seq data (human, n = 15, 155; mouse, n = 13, 156) were used to predict TFs that are enriched in the pollutant-induced differentially accessible genomic regions (DARs) obtained from epigenome analyses (ATAC-Seq). The resultant pollutant–TF matrices were then cross-referenced to a repository of TF–disorder associations to account for pollutant modes of action. We subsequently evaluated the performance of the proposed method using a chemical perturbation data set to compare the outputs of the DAR-ChIPEA and our previously developed differentially expressed gene (DEG)-ChIPEA methods using pollutant-induced DEGs as input. We then adopted the proposed method to predict disease-associated mechanisms triggered by pollutants. [Results] The proposed approach outperformed other methods using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve score. The mean score of the proposed DAR-ChIPEA was significantly higher than that of our previously described DEG-ChIPEA (0.7287 vs. 0.7060; Q = 5.278 × 10⁻⁴²; two-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test). The proposed approach further predicted TF-driven modes of action upon pollutant exposure, indicating that (1) TFs regulating Th1/2 cell homeostasis are integral in the pathophysiology of tributyltin-induced allergic disorders; (2) fine particulates (PM2.5) inhibit the binding of C/EBPs, Rela, and Spi1 to the genome, thereby perturbing normal blood cell differentiation and leading to immune dysfunction; and (3) lead induces fatty liver by disrupting the normal regulation of lipid metabolism by altering hepatic circadian rhythms. [Conclusions] Highlighting genome-wide chromatin change upon pollutant exposure to elucidate the epigenetic landscape of pollutant responses outperformed our previously described method that focuses on gene-adjacent domains only. Our approach has the potential to reveal pivotal TFs that mediate deleterious effects of pollutants, thereby facilitating the development of strategies to mitigate damage from environmental pollution.



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