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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Influence of hydrophilic additives on the signal intensity in electrospray ionization of flavonoid glycosides」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Influence of hydrophilic additives on the signal intensity in electrospray ionization of flavonoid glycosides

景山 亜美 横浜市立大学



Rationale: The influence of hydrophilic additives glycine, glucose and glycerol on ESI signal intensity of flavonoid glycosides, and a non-reducing disaccharide is examined. The addition of excess glycine into the ESI solution would be predicted to affect signal intensity more than glucose and glycerol due to its strong hydration capability.

Methods: The ESI signal response upon the addition of excess additives prepared was estimated by in both selected ion monitoring and scan modes. All the MS data were acquired in negative-ion mode, because negative-ion mode is recommended for saccharide compounds.

Results: The addition of glycine into the ESI solution of flavonoid glycosides and trehalose resulted in the enhancement of signal intensity, while the addition of glucose and glycerol had little effect. The signal intensity of the rutin was higher than that of naringin and hesperidin, in accordance with their solubility in ESI solution. Trehalose molecules specifically interacted with glycine molecules to form a 1:1 trehalose-glycine complex, while the flavonoid glycosides did not give such complex ions.

Conclusions: The ESI signal enhancement of the saccharides with the additive glycine can be explained by its strong hydration capability with the deprotonated carboxylic oxygens of zwitterionic glycine molecules strongly interacting with water hydrogens resulting in strong hydration enthalpy. Consequently, glycine molecules set the analytes free from the solvation with water molecules in the ESI droplets.



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