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Secondary Cratering From Rheasilvia as the Possible Origin of Vesta's Equatorial Troughs

Hirata, Naoyuki 平田, 直之 ヒラタ, ナオユキ 神戸大学



Asteroid 4 Vesta has a set of parallel troughs aligned with its equator. Although previous evaluations suggest that it is of shock fracturing tectonic origin, we propose that the equatorial troughs can be created by secondary cratering from the largest impact basin, Rheasilvia. We calculated the trajectories of ejecta particles from Rheasilvia by considering Vesta's rapid rotation. As a result, we found that secondary craters should be parallel to the latitude. In particular, if we assume that ejecta particles are launched at an initial launch velocity of approximately 350–380 m/s and a launch angle of 25°, the parallel equatorial troughs, the Divalia Fossae, can be suitably explained by secondary cratering. This model works well on objects, such as Haumea, Salacia, and Chariklo, but not on Mercury, the Moon, and regular satellites.



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