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Multi-trophic community assembly in grasslands

篠原, 直登 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004954



Understanding the processes determining local community structure has been one of the main challenges in ecology. Currently, community ecologists acknowledge that both local (e.g. environmental filtering and species interaction) and regional processes (e.g. dispersal) co-operate in community assembly and have been trying to disentangle their relative importance. However, as previous studies have mainly focused on producer communities that are structured by competition (e.g. plants), assembly of multi-trophic communities that are structured by trophic interaction as well as competition (e.g. plants and associated insects) have been rarely explored and whether our knowledge on community assembly may be applied for higher trophic level communities is unclear. For the multitrophic expansion of current understanding of community assembly, I have explored how much and when local processes are important in the assembly of higher trophic level communities with plant and insect communities in grasslands as a model system. Due to the strong bottom-up effect in this system, the structures of insect communities are expected to be associated with that of plant communities if local processes mainly shape the insect communities. On the contrary, the dominance of regional processes in their assembly predicts the weaker association between the structures of plant and insect communities. In this dissertation, I sought when the local processes are important in insect community assembly, in other words, the various context dependent relationships between the structures (alfaand beta-diversity) of plant and insect communities.

First study, in chapter two, investigated how much and when the species richness (alfadiversity) of herbivorous insects is correlated with that of plants. I surveyed plant and herbivorous insect communities in semi-natural grasslands and determined interspecific plant–insect interaction by the combination of observational and simulation approaches. The study revealed that herbivorous insect species richness did correlate with that of plants, but such relationship is negatively affected 1) by the proportion of plant species that are not utilized by any herbivorous insects and 2) by the proportion of generalist herbivorous insect species. I concluded that the variation in the relationship between plant and herbivorous insect species richness could be understood better by considering the structure of species interaction network between them.

In chapter three, I tested the hypothesis that the agricultural land-use changes would modify the structures of interspecific interaction networks between plant and insect in semi-natural grasslands formed around rice fields. I found that the bi-directional land-use changes toward overuse (intensification) and underuse (abandonment) affected the generality (the proportion of generalist insect species) of herbivory and pollination networks. More importantly, the effects of land-use changes were contrasting between the interaction types: whereas the pollination network generality was decreased by the abandonment, the herbivory network generality was reduced by the intensification. The results suggest that anthropogenic land-use changes might affect the relationship between plant and insect communities through the modification of the interaction networks between them.

In the fourth chapter, the correlation between beta-diversity of plant and herbivorous insect communities was explored. I investigated whether the correlation varied during their assembly after mowing in semi-natural grasslands. The correlation between beta-diversity of plant and herbivorous insect communities became progressively stronger after mowing, suggesting that the importance of local processes in insect community assembly (i.e. bottom-up effect from plant communities) increases as the assembly proceeds. I concluded that the result reflects dispersal limitation at the early phase of the assembly. Surprisingly, the temporal turnover of plant species composition did not prevent the local assembly of insect communities and I concluded that such dynamics of plant communities were not so significant for insects.

In chapter five, I summarized the knowledge obtained from the series of studies on the assembly of plant and associated insect communities. By showing the context dependent relationships between higher and lower trophic level communities, I concluded that though higher trophic level communities were certainly determined by lower trophic ones, such locally operating bottom-up effect was highly variable. The importance of local processes in shaping higher trophic level communities depended on 1) the structures of interaction networks between higher and lower trophic level communities and 2) the relative time scale of the assembly of two communities. Furthermore, the result suggested that anthropogenic land-use changes might affect the local assembly by modifying the interaction network structures. Finally, I pointed out the current lack of knowledge on temporal dynamics of multi-trophic level communities (e.g. succession), which would further advance our understanding of multi-trophic level community assembly.


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