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Inducer-free recombinant protein production in Trichoderma reesei: secretory production of endogenous enzymes and heterologous nanobodies using glucose as the sole carbon source

Arai, Toshiharu Wada, Mayumi Nishiguchi, Hiroki Takimura, Yasushi Ishii, Jun 神戸大学



Background The filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei has been used as a host organism for the production of lignocellulosic biomass-degrading enzymes. Although this microorganism has high potential for protein production, it has not yet been widely used for heterologous recombinant protein production. Transcriptional induction of the cellulase genes is essential for high-level protein production in T. reesei; however, glucose represses this transcriptional induction. Therefore, cellulose is commonly used as a carbon source for providing its degraded sugars such as cellobiose, which act as inducers to activate the strong promoters of the major cellulase (cellobiohydrolase 1 and 2 (cbh1 and cbh2) genes. However, replacement of cbh1 and/or cbh2 with a gene encoding the protein of interest (POI) for high productivity and occupancy of recombinant proteins remarkably impairs the ability to release soluble inducers from cellulose, consequently reducing the production of POI. To overcome this challenge, we first used an inducer-free biomass-degrading enzyme expression system, previously developed to produce cellulases and hemicellulases using glucose as the sole carbon source, for recombinant protein production using T. reesei. Results We chose endogenous secretory enzymes and heterologous camelid small antibodies (nanobody) as model proteins. By using the inducer-free strain as a parent, replacement of cbh1 with genes encoding two intrinsic enzymes (aspartic protease and glucoamylase) and three different nanobodies (1ZVH, caplacizumab, and ozoralizumab) resulted in their high secretory productions using glucose medium without inducers such as cellulose. Based on signal sequences (carrier polypeptides) and protease inhibitors, additional replacement of cbh2 with the nanobody gene increased the percentage of POI to about 20% of total secreted proteins in T. reesei. This allowed the production of caplacizumab, a bivalent nanobody, to be increased to 9.49-fold (508 mg/L) compared to the initial inducer-free strain. Conclusions In general, whereas the replacement of major cellulase genes leads to extreme decrease in the degradation capacity of cellulose, our inducer-free system enabled it and achieved high secretory production of POI with increased occupancy in glucose medium. This system would be a novel platform for heterologous recombinant protein production in T. reesei.



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