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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Recombinant γY278H Fibrinogen Showed Normal Secretion from CHO Cells, but a Corresponding Heterozygous Patient Showed Hypofibrinogenemia」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Recombinant γY278H Fibrinogen Showed Normal Secretion from CHO Cells, but a Corresponding Heterozygous Patient Showed Hypofibrinogenemia

Kamijo, Tomu Kaido, Takahiro Yoda, Masahiro Arai, Shinpei Yamauchi, Kazuyoshi Okumura, Nobuo 信州大学 DOI:34069309



We identified a novel heterozygous hypofibrinogenemia, γY278H (Hiroshima). To demonstrate the cause of reduced plasma fibrinogen levels (functional level: 1.12 g/L and antigenic level: 1.16 g/L), we established γY278H fibrinogen-producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay demonstrated that synthesis of γY278H fibrinogen inside CHO cells and secretion into the culture media were not reduced. Then, we established an additional five variant fibrinogen-producing CHO cell lines (γL276P, γT277P, γT277R, γA279D, and γY280C) and conducted further investigations. We have already established 33 γ-module variant fibrinogenproducing CHO cell lines, including 6 cell lines in this study, but only the γY278H and γT277R cell lines showed disagreement, namely, recombinant fibrinogen production was not reduced but the patients’ plasma fibrinogen level was reduced. Finally, we performed fibrinogen degradation assays and demonstrated that the γY278H and γT277R fibrinogens were easily cleaved by plasmin whereas their polymerization in the presence of Ca2+ and “D:D” interaction was normal. In conclusion, our investigation suggested that patient γY278H showed hypofibrinogenemia because γY278H fibrinogen was secreted normally from the patient’s hepatocytes but then underwent accelerated degradation by plasmin in the circulation.


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