
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「成熟期緑肥の窒素無機化とその施用が水稲の生育,収量,窒素利用率に及ぼす影響」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





チー, モン, モン, コー MON, MON, KO, KYI 九州大学









Ando, H., K. Adachi, M. Minami and N. Nishida. 1988. Effect of ammonium nitrogen on the tillering-habit of rice plant. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 57(4): 678-684 (In Japanese with English abstract).

Araki, M., T. Yamamoto and Y. Mizda. 2006. Estimation of nitrogen uptake by number of days transformed at standard temperature and growth diagnosis for paddy rice in the warm region of Japan. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 77:191-194. (in Japanese).

Asagi, N and H. Ueno. 2009. Nitrogen dynamics in paddy soil applied with various 15N-labelled green manures. Plant Soil. 322:251-262.

Asai, T., K. Hirano, S. Maeda, H. Tobina and K. Nishikawa. 2013. Variation in yield of paddy rice cultivated for 17 successive years using Chinese Milkvetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) as green manure and its causal factors, Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 82:353-359. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Aulakh, M. S., T. S. Khera., J. W. Doran, K. Singh and B. Singh. 2000. Yield and nitrogen dynamics in a rice-wheat system using green manure and inorganic fertilizer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64: 1867-1876.

Azuma H., T. Saito and J. Koike. 2017. Management of nitrogen supply using Hairy Vetch as basal application of paddy rice. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 88:458-464. (in Japanese).

Baligar, V. C. and O. L. Bennett. 1986. Outlook on fertilizer use efficiency in the tropics. Fertilizer Research. 10: 83-96.

Becker, M., J. K. Ladha and M. Ali. 1995. Green manure technology: Potential, usage, and limitations. A case study for lowland rice. Plant and Soil. 174: 181-194.

Buresh, R. J. and S. K. De Datta. 1991. Nitrogen dynamics and management in rice-legume cropping systems. Advances in Agronomy. 45: 1-59.

Cataldo, D. A., L. E. Schrader and V. L. Youngs. 1974. Analysis by digestion and colorimetric assay of total nitrogen in plant tissues high in nitrate. Crop Sci. 14:854-856.

Cataldo, D. A., M. Haroon, L. E. Schrader and V. L. Youngs. 1975. Rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in plant tissue by nitration of salicylic acid. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 6: 71-80.

Chen, L. 1988. Green manure cultivation and use for rice in China. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 63-109.

Chubachi, T., I. Asano and T. Oikawa. 1986. The diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition of rice plants (Sasanishiki) using a chlorophyll meter. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 57:190-193 (in Japanese).

Frankenberger, Jr. W. T. and H. M. Abdelmagid. 1985. Kinetic parameters of nitrogen mineralization rates of leguminous crops incorporated into soil. Plant and Soil. 87:257- 271.

Gao, C., B. Sun and T. L. Zhang. 2006. Sustainable nutrient management in Chinese Agriculture. Pedosphere. 16: 253-263.

George, T., J. K. Ladha, R. J. Buresh and D. P. Garrity. 1992. Managing native and legume-fixed nitrogen in lowland rice-based cropping systems. Plant and Soil. 141: 69-91.

Hirose, S. 1973. Mineralization of organic nitrogen of various plant residues in the soil under upland condition. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 44:157-163 (in Japanese).

Ishikawa, M. 1963. Soil scientific and plant nutritional study on the milk vetch manuring of rice. Toyama Agric. Exp. Stn. Spec. Stud. Rep. 5. (in Japanese).

Ishikawa, M. 1988. Green manure in rice: the Japan experience. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 45-61.

Japan Soil Association. 2012. Guidelines on technique for organic cultivation (rice, soybean etc.) (Yuki saibai gijyutsu no tebiki (suitou, daizu tou hen)). p. 85-94. Japan Soil Association, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Jones, D. B. 1931. Factors for converting percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of proteins. Circular. US Dept. Agric. 183:1-21.

Kawase, A. and T. Kitazima. 1994. Effective manuring practice of paddy rice after Chinese milk vetch cultivation. Bulletin of the Gifu Agricultural Research Center. 7:9-19. (in Japanese).

Kumagai K., M. Nakanishi and Y. Harada. 1991. Predict using the non-destructive method and classification of nitrogen absorption pattern by rice plant. Bull. Yamagata Agric. Exp. Stn. 25:23-34. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Ko, K. M. M., Y. Hirai, T. Yamakawa, E. Inoue, T. Okayasu and M. Mitsuoka. 2020a. Physicochemical properties and nitrogen mineralization of maturity-stage green manure (Crimson Clover) and the effects on growth of rice cultivated in a Wagner pot. Journal of Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. 27(1):15-28.

Ko, K. M. M., Y. Hirai, T. Yamakawa, E. Inoue, T. Okayasu and M. Mitsuoka. 2020b. Investigation of the feasibility of applying maturity-stage green manure (Crimson Clover) for rice production through a pot experiment. Journal of Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. in print.

Liu, E. K., C. Yan, X. Mei, W. He, S. H. Bing, L. Ding, Q. Liu, S. Liu and T. Fan. 2010. Long- term effect of chemical fertilizer, straw, and manure on soil chemical and biological properties in northwest China. Geoderma. 158: 173-180.

Miao, Y. X., B. A. Stewart and F. S. Zhang. 2011. Long-term experiments for sustainable nutrient management in China. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 31: 397-414.

Mori, S., K. Yokoyama and H. Fujii. 2010. Classification of brown rice with different protein content using the diagnosis of leaf color during the ripening period in Shonai area of Yamagata prefecture. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 79:113-119. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Murphy, J. and J. Riley. 1962. A modified single solution for the determination of phos-phate in natural waters. Analytica Chimica Acta. 27:31-36.

Nagumo, T., H. Kanazawa, Y. Ooi and K. Kubota. 2014. Nitrogen mineralization of mature Chinese milk vetch, and the effect of incorporated mature Chinese milk vetch on nitrogen uptake and yield of rice on a gley soil. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 83:15-24. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Oglesby, K. A. and J. H. Fownes. 1992. Effects of chemical composition on nitrogen mineralization from green manures of seven tropical leguminous trees. Plant and Soil. 143: 127-132.

Ohtake, N., T. Nishiwaki, K. Mizukoshi, T. Chinushi, Y. Takahashi and T. Ohyama. 1994. Lack of -subunit of -conglycinin in non-nodulating. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 40:345-349.

Ohyama, T., M. Ito, K. Kobayashi, S. Araki, S. Yasuyoshi, O. Sasaki, T. Yamazaki, K. Soyama, R. Tanemura, Y. Mizuno and T. Ikarashi. 1991. Analytical procedures of N, P, K contents and manure materials using H2SO4-H2O2 Kjeldahl digestion method. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, 43:111-120 (in Japanese with English summary).

Okumura, K. and K. Koinuma. 2017. Winter legume crop (Fuyusaku ryokuhi sakumotsu). Daimon, H. and K. Okumura eds., Cultivation and use for forage and green manure crops (Shiryo ryokuhi sakumotsu no saibai to riyo). p. 211. Asakura Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Okuno, T. and T. Haga. 1969. Experimental design (Jikken keikaku hou). p. 65-80. BAIFUKAN Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Rosegrant, M. W. and J. A. Roumasset. 1988. Economic feasibility of green manure in rice-based cropping systems. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 11-27.

Saeki H. and J. Azuma. 1956. Studies on the accumulation and the quality of humus derived from various organic materials under different conditions. Soil and plant food. 2(1): 19-24.

Schulz, S., J. D. H. Keatinge and G. J. Wells. 1999. Productivity and residual effects of legumes in rice-based cropping systems in a warm-temperate environment II: Residual effects on rice. Field Crops Research. 61:37-49.

Singh, Y., J. K. Ladha, B. Singh and C. S. Khind. 1994. Management of nutrient yields in green manure systems. Ladha, J. K. and D. P. Garrity eds., Green manure production systems for Asian ricelands. p. 85-94. The International Rice Research Institute, Manila.

Sullivan, P. 2003. Overview of cover crops and green manures: Fundamentals of sustainable agriculture. ATTRA, https://attra.ncat.org/product/overview-of-cover-crops-and-green- manures/. Accessed July 3, 2020.

Tanaka, A. and C. V. Garcia. 1965. Studies of the relationship between tillering and nitrogen uptake of the rice plant: (2) Relation between tillering and nitrogen metabolism of the plant. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 11(3): 31–37.

Tokutsu, I. 2002. Statistics for Beginners (Hajimete no tokei). p. 152. Yuikaku Publishing Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Wada, G. 1969. The effect of nitrogenous nutrition on the yield determining process of rice plant. Bull. Natl. Inst. Agrc. Sci. A16:26-167. (in Japanese with English summary).

Watanabe, I. 1984. Use of green manures in Northeast Asia. In Organic matter and rice. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, 229-234.

Williams, J. and S. G. Smith. 2001. Correcting potassium deficiency can reduce rice stem diseases. Better Crops. 85:7-9.

World Bank. 2019. Commodity markets outlook. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/32633/CMO-October- 2019.pdf. p. 54-55. Accessed July 7, 2020.

Yamauchi, M. 2008. Multiple Comparison and Analysis of Variance for Psychology and Education (Shinri kyoiku no tameno bunsan bunseki to tajyu hikaku). p. 85-87. SAIENSU-SHA Publishing Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Yasue, T. 1991. The change of cultivation and utilization of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.), and the effect of fertilizer and soil fertility on paddy field as a green manure. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 60:583-592. (in Japanese).

Yoshida, S. 1981. Fundamentals of rice crop science. p. 129. The International Rice Research Institute, Manila.

Ando, H., K. Adachi, M. Minami and N. Nishida. 1988. Effect of ammonium nitrogen on the tillering-habit of rice plant. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 57(4): 678-684 (In Japanese with English abstract).

Araki, M., T. Yamamoto and Y. Mizda. 2006. Estimation of nitrogen uptake by number of days transformed at standard temperature and growth diagnosis for paddy rice in the warm region of Japan. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 77:191-194. (in Japanese).

Asagi, N and H. Ueno. 2009. Nitrogen dynamics in paddy soil applied with various 15N-labelled green manures. Plant Soil. 322:251-262.

Asai, T., K. Hirano, S. Maeda, H. Tobina and K. Nishikawa. 2013. Variation in yield of paddy rice cultivated for 17 successive years using Chinese Milkvetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) as green manure and its causal factors, Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 82:353-359. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Aulakh, M. S., T. S. Khera., J. W. Doran, K. Singh and B. Singh. 2000. Yield and nitrogen dynamics in a rice-wheat system using green manure and inorganic fertilizer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64: 1867-1876.

Azuma H., T. Saito and J. Koike. 2017. Management of nitrogen supply using Hairy Vetch as basal application of paddy rice. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 88:458-464. (in Japanese).

Baligar, V. C. and O. L. Bennett. 1986. Outlook on fertilizer use efficiency in the tropics. Fertilizer Research. 10: 83-96.

Becker, M., J. K. Ladha and M. Ali. 1995. Green manure technology: Potential, usage, and limitations. A case study for lowland rice. Plant and Soil. 174: 181-194.

Buresh, R. J. and S. K. De Datta. 1991. Nitrogen dynamics and management in rice-legume cropping systems. Advances in Agronomy. 45: 1-59.

Cataldo, D. A., L. E. Schrader and V. L. Youngs. 1974. Analysis by digestion and colorimetric assay of total nitrogen in plant tissues high in nitrate. Crop Sci. 14:854-856.

Cataldo, D. A., M. Haroon, L. E. Schrader and V. L. Youngs. 1975. Rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in plant tissue by nitration of salicylic acid. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 6: 71-80.

Chen, L. 1988. Green manure cultivation and use for rice in China. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 63-109.

Chubachi, T., I. Asano and T. Oikawa. 1986. The diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition of rice plants (Sasanishiki) using a chlorophyll meter. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 57:190-193 (in Japanese).

Frankenberger, Jr. W. T. and H. M. Abdelmagid. 1985. Kinetic parameters of nitrogen mineralization rates of leguminous crops incorporated into soil. Plant and Soil. 87:257- 271.

Gao, C., B. Sun and T. L. Zhang. 2006. Sustainable nutrient management in Chinese Agriculture. Pedosphere. 16: 253-263.

George, T., J. K. Ladha, R. J. Buresh and D. P. Garrity. 1992. Managing native and legume-fixed nitrogen in lowland rice-based cropping systems. Plant and Soil. 141: 69-91.

Hirose, S. 1973. Mineralization of organic nitrogen of various plant residues in the soil under upland condition. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 44:157-163 (in Japanese).

Ishikawa, M. 1963. Soil scientific and plant nutritional study on the milk vetch manuring of rice. Toyama Agric. Exp. Stn. Spec. Stud. Rep. 5. (in Japanese).

Ishikawa, M. 1988. Green manure in rice: the Japan experience. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 45-61.

Japan Soil Association. 2012. Guidelines on technique for organic cultivation (rice, soybean etc.) (Yuki saibai gijyutsu no tebiki (suitou, daizu tou hen)). p. 85-94. Japan Soil Association, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Jones, D. B. 1931. Factors for converting percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of proteins. Circular. US Dept. Agric. 183:1-21.

Kawase, A. and T. Kitazima. 1994. Effective manuring practice of paddy rice after Chinese milk vetch cultivation. Bulletin of the Gifu Agricultural Research Center. 7:9-19. (in Japanese).

Kumagai K., M. Nakanishi and Y. Harada. 1991. Predict using the non-destructive method and classification of nitrogen absorption pattern by rice plant. Bull. Yamagata Agric. Exp. Stn. 25:23-34. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Ko, K. M. M., Y. Hirai, T. Yamakawa, E. Inoue, T. Okayasu and M. Mitsuoka. 2020a. Physicochemical properties and nitrogen mineralization of maturity-stage green manure (Crimson Clover) and the effects on growth of rice cultivated in a Wagner pot. Journal of Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. 27(1):15-28.

Ko, K. M. M., Y. Hirai, T. Yamakawa, E. Inoue, T. Okayasu and M. Mitsuoka. 2020b. Investigation of the feasibility of applying maturity-stage green manure (Crimson Clover) for rice production through a pot experiment. Journal of Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. in print.

Liu, E. K., C. Yan, X. Mei, W. He, S. H. Bing, L. Ding, Q. Liu, S. Liu and T. Fan. 2010. Long- term effect of chemical fertilizer, straw, and manure on soil chemical and biological properties in northwest China. Geoderma. 158: 173-180.

Miao, Y. X., B. A. Stewart and F. S. Zhang. 2011. Long-term experiments for sustainable nutrient management in China. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 31: 397-414.

Mori, S., K. Yokoyama and H. Fujii. 2010. Classification of brown rice with different protein content using the diagnosis of leaf color during the ripening period in Shonai area of Yamagata prefecture. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 79:113-119. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Murphy, J. and J. Riley. 1962. A modified single solution for the determination of phos-phate in natural waters. Analytica Chimica Acta. 27:31-36.

Nagumo, T., H. Kanazawa, Y. Ooi and K. Kubota. 2014. Nitrogen mineralization of mature Chinese milk vetch, and the effect of incorporated mature Chinese milk vetch on nitrogen uptake and yield of rice on a gley soil. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 83:15-24. (in Japanese with English abstract).

Oglesby, K. A. and J. H. Fownes. 1992. Effects of chemical composition on nitrogen mineralization from green manures of seven tropical leguminous trees. Plant and Soil. 143: 127-132.

Ohtake, N., T. Nishiwaki, K. Mizukoshi, T. Chinushi, Y. Takahashi and T. Ohyama. 1994. Lack of -subunit of -conglycinin in non-nodulating. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 40:345-349.

Ohyama, T., M. Ito, K. Kobayashi, S. Araki, S. Yasuyoshi, O. Sasaki, T. Yamazaki, K. Soyama, R. Tanemura, Y. Mizuno and T. Ikarashi. 1991. Analytical procedures of N, P, K contents and manure materials using H2SO4-H2O2 Kjeldahl digestion method. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, 43:111-120 (in Japanese with English summary).

Okumura, K. and K. Koinuma. 2017. Winter legume crop (Fuyusaku ryokuhi sakumotsu). Daimon, H. and K. Okumura eds., Cultivation and use for forage and green manure crops (Shiryo ryokuhi sakumotsu no saibai to riyo). p. 211. Asakura Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Okuno, T. and T. Haga. 1969. Experimental design (Jikken keikaku hou). p. 65-80. BAIFUKAN Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Rosegrant, M. W. and J. A. Roumasset. 1988. Economic feasibility of green manure in rice-based cropping systems. In proceedings of a symposium on sustainable agriculture: Green manure in rice farming, Manila, 11-27.

Saeki H. and J. Azuma. 1956. Studies on the accumulation and the quality of humus derived from various organic materials under different conditions. Soil and plant food. 2(1): 19-24.

Schulz, S., J. D. H. Keatinge and G. J. Wells. 1999. Productivity and residual effects of legumes in rice-based cropping systems in a warm-temperate environment II: Residual effects on rice. Field Crops Research. 61:37-49.

Singh, Y., J. K. Ladha, B. Singh and C. S. Khind. 1994. Management of nutrient yields in green manure systems. Ladha, J. K. and D. P. Garrity eds., Green manure production systems for Asian ricelands. p. 85-94. The International Rice Research Institute, Manila.

Sullivan, P. 2003. Overview of cover crops and green manures: Fundamentals of sustainable agriculture. ATTRA, https://attra.ncat.org/product/overview-of-cover-crops-and-green- manures/. Accessed July 3, 2020.

Tanaka, A. and C. V. Garcia. 1965. Studies of the relationship between tillering and nitrogen uptake of the rice plant: (2) Relation between tillering and nitrogen metabolism of the plant. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 11(3): 31–37.

Tokutsu, I. 2002. Statistics for Beginners (Hajimete no tokei). p. 152. Yuikaku Publishing Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Wada, G. 1969. The effect of nitrogenous nutrition on the yield determining process of rice plant. Bull. Natl. Inst. Agrc. Sci. A16:26-167. (in Japanese with English summary).

Watanabe, I. 1984. Use of green manures in Northeast Asia. In Organic matter and rice. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, 229-234.

Williams, J. and S. G. Smith. 2001. Correcting potassium deficiency can reduce rice stem diseases. Better Crops. 85:7-9.

World Bank. 2019. Commodity markets outlook. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/32633/CMO-October- 2019.pdf. p. 54-55. Accessed July 7, 2020.

Yamauchi, M. 2008. Multiple Comparison and Analysis of Variance for Psychology and Education (Shinri kyoiku no tameno bunsan bunseki to tajyu hikaku). p. 85-87. SAIENSU-SHA Publishing Co. Ltd, Tokyo. (in Japanese).

Yasue, T. 1991. The change of cultivation and utilization of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.), and the effect of fertilizer and soil fertility on paddy field as a green manure. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 60:583-592. (in Japanese).

Yoshida, S. 1981. Fundamentals of rice crop science. p. 129. The International Rice Research Institute, Manila.



