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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Study on Short-Term Forecast of Localized Heavy Rainfall Based on the Statistical Characteristics of Cumulonimbus Clouds Observed by Ka-band Doppler Radars」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Study on Short-Term Forecast of Localized Heavy Rainfall Based on the Statistical Characteristics of Cumulonimbus Clouds Observed by Ka-band Doppler Radars

吉田, 翔 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002002087



Recently, it has been focused on the disasters caused by severe weather phenomena in Japan. Typhoons and quasi-stationary band-shaped precipitation systems can be forecasted several days and hours ago, respectively by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models based on the equation of motion. However, meso-γ-scale (spatial scale 2–20 km) cumulonimbus clouds causing localized heavy rainfall and urban floods, can develop so quickly that it is difficult to forecast with NWP models. The lead time for the heavy rainfall is about 20 minutes after being detected by operational centimeter- wavelength (X-, C-, or S-band) weather radars. To detect such clouds with greater lead times, Ka-band radars at a wavelength of 8.6 mm together with operational X-band radars were used in this study.

The beam width of Ka-band radars is very narrow (0.31°). However, since the elevation interval of the plan position indicators (PPIs) is much larger than the beam width, interpolation gaps are severe in the constant altitude PPI (CAPPI). Therefore, to fill these gaps and utilize the CAPPI data at all levels, the vertically averaged reflectivity (VAR) was calculated from the CAPPI of radar reflectivity Z. By adopting VAR, a continuous distribution of Z was obtained.

For statistical analyses of each cumulonimbus cloud, the algorithm for the identification and tracking of convective cells (AITCC) was used to detect and track cloud. The AITCC extracts the regions enclosed by contour lines at a certain threshold of VAR. They were denoted as convective cell groups (CCGs). The characteristic of CCGs, such as area and maximum/averaged VAR in CCGs, are calculated. The process of tracking CCGs is as follows: 1) the average movement vector (MV) of all CCGs is calculated by the cross-correlation method using radar echoes at successive time steps, 2) the MV for individual CCGs is identified by linking the past and current CCGs using the average MV. If there are multiple links to one CCG, the similarity is evaluated based on the area, shape, and reflectivity (maximum and average) between the past and current CCGs. The CCGs for Ka-band and X-band radars were defined as mesoscale cloud echoes (MCEs) and mesoscale precipitation echoes (MPEs), respectively. The thresholds of VAR were –20 dBZ for MCEs, and 5 dBZ for MPEs. The upper limit of the MCE/MPE area (400 km2) was also defined to focus on the cumulonimbus clouds. The MCEs which grew to MPEs were denoted as “developed MCEs” and which dissipated without developing into MPEs were denoted as “non-developed MCEs”.

For case studies, four local heavy rainfall events that occurred in 2016 and 2017 were selected. They are local heavy rainfall events as rainfall with an intensity of 50 mm h-1 observed within 30 minutes of its onset. There were 15 developed MCEs and 39 non-developed MCEs in total. In all cases, the local heavy rainfall occurred in the target domains after the convergence of sea breezes from the east and south. This is the typical conditions when the local heavy rainfall occurs around Tokyo.

The time series of each echo was analyzed by an echo tracking algorithm. On average, developed MCEs were detected 17 minutes earlier than the MPEs and 33 minutes earlier than the peak time of the area-averaged VAR (VARa) for MPEs. There were statistically significant differences between the developed and non-developed MCEs in terms of the maximum VARa (MaxVARa), maximum MCEs areas (MaxAREA), and increase amounts of the VARa (∆VARa) and MCE areas (∆AREA) for the elapsed time ∆t = 6, 9, and 12 minutes, which is the time after the first detection of the MCE. To obtain the optimal indicator and its threshold, threat score (TS) for the prediction of MPEs was calculated. There is a trade-off between TSs and ∆t, so that it is difficult to declare the best indicator. Nevertheless the MaxVARa produces TS of greater than 80 % and thus provides reliable predictions. Therefore, the MaxVARa for ∆t = 9 minutes (threshold: 0 dBZ) would be the best indicator for practical forecasting. This indicator was obtained by limited cumulonimbus clouds triggered by the convergence of sea breeze around Tokyo. However, the thresholds and ∆t are consistent with previous studies and have been shown to be applicable regardless of convective cloud type or region of occurrence.

Nowcasting model for predicting MCE development was proposed using the above indicator. This model is expected to forecast rainfall earlier than conventional X-band radars, although there are following restrictions on its use; 1) this indicator is only applicable to convective echoes formed near Ka-band radar sites because the minimum detectable reflectivity decreases with the distance from radar sites due to attenuation, 2) the target of this model is limited to isolated cumulonimbus clouds, which are relatively unaffected by precipitation attenuation, 3) it is difficult to quantitatively forecast the rainfall amount caused by MCE whose development is predicted by this indicator. Forecasted MCEs have the potential for rainfall, but they do not always cause localized heavy rainfall. In order to forecast local heavy rainfall based on this indicator, it is necessary to examine the MCEs that occur around such precipitation systems.



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