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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Early stages of aqueous alteration in the primitive hydrous asteroids inferred from mineralogical and petrological observation of pristine hydrous carbonaceous chondrites」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Early stages of aqueous alteration in the primitive hydrous asteroids inferred from mineralogical and petrological observation of pristine hydrous carbonaceous chondrites

Enokido Yuma 東北大学



Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of the least altered grains from Paris CM 2.9 chondrite clarified the formation process and sequence of various minerals during incipient aqueous alteration. (1) Primary silicates and amorphous silicates in matrix were not altered to serpentine. The crystallinity of the silicates is heterogeneous. (2) Calcites are the first phase to precipitate from fluids. Some calcites precipitated with sulfates (bassanite and Na-sulfates). (3) In the periphery of calcites, Fe-pure tochilinite, serpentine, and minor TCIs (or TCIs-like poor-crystalline phase) formed together. There are abundant empty spaces in it. These three minerals exhibit stacked structure and tochilinite is the first phase formed among these minerals.

These observation indicates that there was the initial large fluid in the periphery of the calcite and it caused the incipient aqueous alteration; that is, slight reaction with nearby matrix amorphous silicates and precipitation of calcite and its peripheral minerals. The absence of serpentine in matrix indicates that the aqueous alteration occurred at almost 0 ° C for very short durations. The sequence of the minerals in periphery of calcites reflects the changes of fluid conditions. The initial fluids supplied several cations from nearby matrix minerals and carbon from CO2 ice. The CO2-bearing alkaline fluid precipitated calcites. Some fluids are sulfur-rich precipitated sulfates with calcites. The further reaction of the fluid caused reducing condition of the fluid and tochilinite precipitated. The consumption of Fe and S and further reaction of the fluid with matrix minerals changed the fluid composition into Mg and Si-rich resulting in the formation of TCIs and serpentine at the surface of tochilinites. The short duration of fluid reaction with matrix materials is due to the exhaustion of fluids. The exhaustion was caused by (1) extremely low abundance of fluids in the Paris parent body and/either, (2) sublimation of ice which were formed by re-freezing of fluids with decreasing temperature of the parent body. Therefore, it is suggested that the Paris chondrite came from the surface of the hydrous parent body and the aqueous alteration in it is unequilibrated.


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