
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Phase Behavior of Aqueous Solution of Poly(ethylene oxide)- Poly(propylene oxide) Alternating Multiblock Copolymer」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Phase Behavior of Aqueous Solution of Poly(ethylene oxide)- Poly(propylene oxide) Alternating Multiblock Copolymer

堀内 輔 広島大学



Block copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) have received
much attention for many decades because of their potential as nonionic macromolecular surfactants,
which can yield ordered structures with various morphologies, such as micelles, lamellae, and vesicles.
Their ability to greatly enhance the solubility of hydrophobic solutes in solutions has many important
industrial and biomedical applications[1]. Many types of configurations for the block copolymers have
been examined for micellar solubilization: linear PEO–PPO diblock[2], linear and bifunctional PEO–
PPO–PEO triblock (Pluronic or poloxamer)[3], branched four‐arm PEO–PPO counterpart block
(Tetronic)[2], and so on. Use of these block copolymers as vehicles for the administration of drugs is
one of the most desirable outcomes.
The PEO–PPO block copolymers have also been considered as smart materials because the
morphology of aggregates may change by responding to an external stimulus. The common stimuli
used are temperature variations. For example, the aqueous solutions of many kinds of PEO–PPO block
copolymers have the critical micelle temperature[4]. Moreover, some of them show a sol–gel transition
upon heating, which is attractive to the design of injectable matrices for minimally invasive biomedical
The block configuration of the copolymers substantially modifies their solution properties.
Nagarajan and Ganesh have theoretically studied the solubilization of hydrocarbons in micelles
formed by PEO–PPO block copolymers with the same PPO–PEO composition but a different block
configuration[6‒8]. They predict that the diblock EO200PO64 copolymer can dissolve hydrocarbons in
the hydrophobic core of micelles much more than the triblock EO100PO64EO100 copolymer, where EO
is the ethylene oxide (–CH2–CH2–O–) unit, PO is the propylene oxide (–CH(CH3)–CH2–O–) unit, and
the subscripts represent the number of repeating units in each block[7]. ...



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General Conclusion


We investigated the properties of the aqueous solution of PEO–PPO AMB copolymer with

various molecular weight and different weight fraction of PEO.

The PEO–PPO AMB copolymers having a different weight fraction of PEO were prepared by a

dehydrated condensation reaction between α,ω‐diamino PPO and α,ω‐disuccinimidyl PEO

prepolymers. The copolymers with various molecular weights were obtained by precipitation

fractionation. The aqueous solution of the copolymer underwent a LCST‐type phase separation with

increasing temperature. The Tc of the aqueous solution of the copolymer decreased as the weight

fraction of PPO and the Mn of copolymer increased. These results suggest following:

(1) Tc of the aqueous solution of the PEO–PPO AMB copolymer is lower than that of PEO–PPO–

PEO triblock copolymer having similar PEO weight fraction. The result is caused by the Mw of

the PEO–PPO AMB copolymer which is much larger than that of the triblock copolymer.

(2) The hydrophobicity of the PEO–PPO AMB copolymer is correlated with the weight fraction of

PEO like as that of triblock copolymers.

(3) Shultz–Flory theory, which is proposed for homopolymer systems, is possibly applicable to the

AMB copolymer system.

These finding imply that the block design of the AMB copolymer has a potential to apply for designing

functional materials such as protein mimics.



(1) Horiuchi, Tasuku; Sakai, Takamasa; Sanada, Yusuke; Watanabe, Keisuke; Aida, Misako;

Katsumoto, Yukiteru

Association Behavior of Poly(ethylene oxide)–Poly(propylene oxide) Alternating Multiblock

Copolymers in Water toward Thermally Induced Phase Separation.

Langmuir 2017, 33, 14649–14656.

(2) Horiuchi, Tasuku; Rikiyama, Kazuaki; Sakanaya, Kenji; Sanada, Yusuke; Watanabe, Keisuke;

Aida, Misako; Katsumoto, Yukiteru

Effect of Molecular Weight on Cloud Point of Aqueous Solution of Poly(ethylene oxide)–

Poly(propylene oxide) Alternating Multiblock Copolymer.

J. Oleo Sci. (in press)



(1) Rikiyama, Kazuaki; Horiuchi, Tasuku; Koga, Naoyuki; Sanada, Yusuke; Watanabe, Keisuke;

Aida, Misako; Katsumoto, Yukiteru

Micellization of Poly(Ethylene Oxide)–Poly(Propylene Oxide) Alternating Multiblock

Copolymers in Water.

Polymer 2018, 156, 102–110.





