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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「DFT Study of α-Keggin-type Iso-polyoxotungstate Anions [HnW12O40](8–n)– (n =1–4): Can [H4W12O40]4– Exist?」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




DFT Study of α-Keggin-type Iso-polyoxotungstate Anions [HnW12O40](8–n)– (n =1–4): Can [H4W12O40]4– Exist?

Eda, Kazuo Akune, Masahiko Yasuma, Chie Hotta, Hiroki Osakai, Toshiyuki Nakajima, Takahito 神戸大学



The Keggin-type iso-polyoxotungstate (iso-POT) anions [HnW12O40](8–n)– ’s, in which their central vacancies are occupied by protons, are attractive materials. It is of importance to reveal if the vacancies can be fully occupied by four protons. For further understanding the speciation of these iso-POT anions, relative stabilities and proton transfer reactions between H1[Hn–1W12O40](8–n)– and [HnW12O40](8–n)– were examined in detail by using the first-principles calculations (the nudged elastic band method, the synchronous transit-guided quasi-Newton method, the intrinsic reaction coordinate method, and frequency analysis calculations). Thermochemistry analysis of the proton transfer was also performed. [HnW12O40](8–n)– was energetically more stable than H1[Hn–1W12O40](8–n)–. This held for n = 4. According to the results of thermochemistry analysis, the rate constant and the Wigner correction were respectively 3.1 × 101 s–1 and 2.2 at T = 298.15 K for the proton transfer from H1[H3W12O40]4– to [H4W12O40]4–, indicating that [H4W12O40]4– can exist when H1[H3W12O40]4– is formed by protonating [H3W12O40]5–.



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O−H bond directions to those of H1[H3W12O40]4−−6. The results obtained were, however, not

significantly different from those shown in the Table S1 and Figure S2.

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geometrical optimization of H1[Hn−1W12O40](8−n)− and [HnW12O40](8−n)− were performed by the

both programs. They gave almost the same results, except for H1[H0W12O40]7− ’s. Regarding

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geometries; that is, the NTChem optimization lost the Keggin-type structure as mentioned in

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results, we believe that the resulting geometries of the NTChem optimization are more reliable

than those of the Gaussian16 optimization, because the former is energetically advantageous

and the Gaussian16 optimization from the resulting geometry obtained by NTChem gives

almost the same results as those of NTChem. Thus, Table 1 shows the values by NTChem for

H1[H0W12O40]7− ’s and those by Gaussian16 for the other species.

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[H4W12O40]4−. However, we believe that this suggestion is reasonable, because it has been

known that the proton transfer spontaneously occurs from H1[Hn−1W12O40](8−n)− to

[HnW12O40](8−n)− (n=2−3). Regarding the transfer from H1[H0W12O40](8−n)− to [H1W12O40](8−n)−,

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Table of Contents

For further understanding the speciation of Keggin-type iso-polyoxotungstate anions, we

investigated the relative stabilities and the proton transfer reactions between H1[Hn−W12O40](8−n)−

and [HnW12O40](8−n)− (n=1−4) by using the first-principles calculations (the nudged elastic band

method, the synchronous transit-guided quasi-Newton method, the intrinsic reaction coordinate

method, and frequency analysis calculations). The DFT calculations showed us the details of the

proton transfer on the iso-polyoxotungstate anions, and indicated that [H4W12O40]4− can exist.





