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Wu, Huiqiao 吴, 慧峤 ウ, フェイチョオ 神戸大学



Rice is one of the most important crops to feed world's population. Most of rice is produced in the arable land in Asia. As one of the cultivation patterns, paddy field applied flooding irrigation. The flooding and drainage irrigation regime in paddy field creates a unique aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem which result in a cycle of anaerobic and aerobic conditions in soil which also result in a large of Dissolved oi^anic matter (DOM) concentrations. DOM is the labile and active fraction of soil oiganic matter (SOM) which involves in various soil biogeochemistry processes and ecological processes such as being a direct energy source for microbial activity, transportation of oiganic contamination and heavy metal and so on. DOM in natural ecosystems is subjected to environmental fector such as global wanning, climate change and so on. While DOM in agricultural ecosystem is more subject to different agricultural practices and management strategies. It is necessary to investigate how the characteristics of DOM are affected by agricultural practices such as the change of cropping systems, fertilization and types of crops in order to understand the mechanism, of C cycles and C accumulation in arable soils.

DOM consists of humic substances (HS) and non-humic substances (NHS). DAX-8 resin fractionation method can help to quantitatively determine the HS and NHS fractions of DOM in water samples. This method was applied to determine the DOM and HS concentrations of samples in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4. UV^vis and fluorescence spectroscopy are widely applied to characterize DOM from different kinds of sources. Recently, Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) combined with the excitation-emission matrix (EEMs) obtained from the analysis of fluorescence spectroscopy has been developed used to distinguish the fluorescence components. This method was used in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 to evaluate the optical properties of DOM. *H Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can provide structural and compositional information of DOM samples, which was used in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 to determine the functional groups* proportions of DOM samples.

Compared with the research on forest and other kinds of agricultural soils, the information about the spectroscopic characteristics of DOM is scarce. Thus, the objective of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics and spectroscopic characteristics of DOM using the soil samples collected from long-term (>40 years) and short-term (<10 years) experimental sites.

Chapter 1
This chapter reviewed the importance of DOM in agricultural ecosystems, the basic information of paddy soil, the quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze DOM and also the objectives and content of this thesis.

Chapter 2
The determination of DOM concentrations in paddy soil is an important task to evaluate the soil fertility and C retention pattern. A long-term (1976-2015) experiment on paddy soil was conducted under four kinds of fertilization treatments (chemical, rice straw, manure compost and integrated fertilizations) in Mie Prefecture Agricultural Research Institute. The total carbon (TC) content, DOM and HS concentrations showed similar increasing trends in double rice-barley(wheat) cropping system (1976-1991) and then changed to decreasing trends in single cropping systems (1991-2015). DOM and HS concentrations did not show significant differences under four kinds of fertilization treatments. Thus, SOM (TC content) was affected by both cropping systems and fertilization, while DOM and HS concentrations were more subject to the conversion of cropping systems than the change of fertilizations.

Chapter 3
UV-vis, fluorescence and Ή NMR spectroscopy were applied to investigate the spectroscopic characteristics of DOM affected by the conversion of cropping systems and fertilizations. SUVA254, the index calculated by UV absorbance and HIX, the fluorescence index did not show different trends in two kinds cropping systems. The optical indices FI and BIX showed similar trends with DOM concentrations which were subject to cropping systems. HIX, BIX and FI significantly affected by the fertilization treatments. Excitation-Emission Matrixes (EEM) obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy was conducted Parallel Component Analysis (PCA). A five-fluorescence components model was obtained by the PARAFAC modeling. Three of components were humic-like component (Cl,C2 and C3). Other two were protein-like components (C4 and C5). Cl and C4 were ali significantly affected by fertilization treatments. The proportion of functional groups obtained by lH NMR spectroscopy (SPR-W5-%U'ERGATE pause method) were also significantly affected by the change of cropping systems and fertilization. Thus, spectroscopic characteristics of DOM in paddy soils were subjected to the change of cropping systems and fertilization. The utilization of different kinds of spectroscopic indices were rapid and nondestructive to evaluate characteristics of DOM, which can be applied to other kinds of arable soil samples.

Chapter 4
Soil samples were collected from the Research Institute of Environment, Agriculture, and Fisheries, Osaka, where short-term experiments were conducted. Two kinds of soil paddy (single rice cropping system) and greenhouse (crown daisy-taro rotation cropping system) soils were analyzed using the same methods in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Paddy soil and greenhouse soil are both characterized with high SOM storage. Thus, it is necessary to compare the characteristics of DOM in paddy and greenhouse soils.

DOM concentrations in paddy and greenhouse soils decreased over the short period of time (< 10 years). However, TC contents of paddy and greenhouse soils kept relatively stable compared with Chapter 2. The decreasing trends of DOM concentrations in paddy soil showed similar trend with the trends of DOM in single cropping system (Ϊ991-2015), suggesting that DOM concentration was decreased in single cropping system. SUVA254, Fl, BIX, and HIX did not show significant different under different fertilization treatment Fluorescence components identified by EEM-PARAFAC did not show clear trends. Carbohydrate protons (Hc-o), one of the functional groups* proportions obtained by Ή NMR spectroscopy showed significant negative correlation (r = -0.521,P < 0.0I)with DOM concentration, while aliphatic protons (HAi) showed a significantly positive correlation (r = 0.654, P < 0.0l)with DOM concentration. Thus, the proportions of functional groups showed a strong relationship with DOM dynamics. Greenhouse soils contained higher DOM and HS concentrations, and more aliphatic C, while paddy soils contained more carbohydrate. Greenhouse soil showed an increasing humification degree (HIX), suggesting that greenhouse soils could contain more and more recalcitrant DOM. The principle component analysis (PCA) using difibrent parameters of DOM showed a very clear distinction of two kinds of soils, which indicates that the characteristics of DOM in paddy and greenhouse soils were significant different.

Chapter 5
This chapter is general discussion. Possible directions of further research were discussed in this Chapter, including the comparison of characteristics of DOM in between general arable soil (cereal crops) and paddy soils, the effect of rotation on characteristics and dynamics of DOM, the biodegradability of DOM in paddy soil, firactionation of humic substances of paddy soil and the improvement of PARAFAC modeling.



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