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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Regulated splicing of large exons is linked to phase‐separation of vertebrate transcription factors」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Regulated splicing of large exons is linked to phase‐separation of vertebrate transcription factors

Kawachi, Toshihiko Masuda, Akio Yamashita, Yoshihiro Takeda, Jun‐ichi Ohkawara, Bisei Ito, Mikako Ohno, Kinji 名古屋大学



Although large exons cannot be readily recognized by the spliceosome, many are evolutionarily conserved and constitutively spliced for inclusion in the processed transcript. Furthermore, whether large exons may be enriched in a certain subset of proteins, or mediate specific functions, has remained unclear. Here, we identify a set of nearly 3,000 SRSF3-dependent large constitutive exons (S3-LCEs) in human and mouse cells. These exons are enriched for cytidine-rich sequence motifs, which bind and recruit the splicing factors hnRNP K and SRSF3. We find that hnRNP K suppresses S3-LCE splicing, an effect that is mitigated by SRSF3 to thus achieve constitutive splicing of S3-LCEs. S3-LCEs are enriched in genes for components of transcription machineries, including mediator and BAF complexes, and frequently contain intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). In a subset of analyzed S3-LCE-containing transcription factors, SRSF3 depletion leads to deletion of the IDRs due to S3-LCE exon skipping, thereby disrupting phase-separated assemblies of these factors. Cytidine enrichment in large exons introduces proline/serine codon bias in intrinsically disordered regions and appears to have been evolutionarily acquired in vertebrates. We propose that layered splicing regulation by hnRNP K and SRSF3 ensures proper phase-separation of these S3-LCE-containing transcription factors in vertebrates.



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