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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「可搬型相対重力計を用いた重力連続観測 : システムの概要およびラコスト重力計G680による観測例」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




可搬型相対重力計を用いた重力連続観測 : システムの概要およびラコスト重力計G680による観測例

風間, 卓仁 北海道大学



Relative gravity data is continuously collected using different types of portable relative gravimeters on a trial basis, toward the future utilization of continuous relative gravity measurements for monitoring spatiotemporal mass variations associated with volcanic activities. The gravity data is first recorded using the Tera Term software installed to a Windows-based PC; although a typical LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter does not have any devices to transmit its gravity value digitally, its analog voltage output from its readout socket can be converted to serial data format using an appropriate analog-digital converter. The recorded gravity data is then sent to an Ubuntu-based computer periodically to draw graphs of gravity time series. The graphs are finally uploaded to a web server so as to monitor temporal gravity variations anytime and anywhere. The above system for continuous relative gravity measurement was applied to the LaCoste G680 gravimeter, which was installed at the Kyoto-A gravity point, Kyoto University in September 2017. The G680’s gravity data in 2018 clearly showed time variations in short-period tide and annual instrumental drift. In particular, the instrumental drift was expressed by the linear gravity decrease of about 10 mGal/year and the additional annual gravity variation of about 1.5 mGal amplitude. These results suggest that typical LaCoste gravimeters can be utilized for continuous relative gravity measurements without major instrumental remodeling.



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