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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Assessment of drought and salinity stress responses of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Assessment of drought and salinity stress responses of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)

AMBIKA, KONDIRAM DUDHATE 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002002050



The Submitted study aimed to analyze and identify the genes and pathways that confers tolerance for drought and salinity stress in pearl millet (Pennisetum galucum. L). The analysis was performed using omics technologies specifically Transcriptomics, metabolomics and genome wide comprehensive analysis. The Thesis is mainly divided into 5 chapters, each chapter representing one approach.

Chapter 1 represents the general introduction into three parts that explains about the impact of thesis orderly. Part one introduces the pearl millet crop descriptively and has information about the crop, benefits of crop, cultivation and coverage area globally and its tolerance to drought and salinity. Part two explains the constrains of drought and its effect on present world and importance of study regarding drought. Part three explains the connection of pearl millet with drought and future applications of the presented study, with the aim and objectives of the study listed at the end.

Chapter 2 explains the transcriptomics analysis uncovers the differentially expressed genes and pathways that were responsive to drought stress (5-7 days of drought). For this study two lines (ICMB 843 and ICMB 863) of pearl millet were used. Findings of this chapter shows the high expressivity of photosynthesis, MAPK signaling pathways and plant hormone signaling pathways s in both lines of pearl millet under drought stress.

Chapter 3 is about comparing the transcriptomic analysis with the metabolomics data that was created using the untargeted LC-MS analysis. The finding of the chapter presents the idea that the pathways and metabolites found by the module of peaks and pathways in Metaboanalyst ver 4.0 were highly like the transcriptomic analysis. Combinedly shows the effect on carbohydrate, amino acid and secondary metabolism with the exceptions of some pathways specific to root and leaves tissues. With the help of the metabolites the representing enzymes and the genes were found in transcriptomic analysis were found and candidate genes were retrieved. Due to avoidable circumstances this chapter is not allowed to be online at the present situation and some more time has been asked as its determined to be published online near future.

Chapter 4 concentrates on the comprehensive analysis of NAC transcription factor that are spread throughout genome of pearl millet. In our analysis 151 NAC TF were reported using HMMER algorithm. Drought and Salinity responsive NAC TF were shown with the help of qRT-PCR analysis, with the motif identification, phylogenetic analysis by grouping them in classes. Due to avoidable circumstances this chapter is not allowed to be online at the present situation and some more time has been asked as its determined to be published online near future. This chapter has been submitted online and its under review process

Chapter 5 is the last chapter concluding the thesis by discussing the previous significant of the research in pearl millet with the drought stress and its future application. The



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