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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Seismic Source Process Involving the Geometric Complexity of the Strike-slip Fault System」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Seismic Source Process Involving the Geometric Complexity of the Strike-slip Fault System

Tira, Tadapansawut 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002006144



A complex rupture process of an earthquake can be controlled by the fault geometric complexity even for oceanic transform faults showing simple fault geometry or middle-scale magnitude 6 earthquakes which have been previously thought to have simple rupture evolution. To understand the rupture process, rupture models have been constructed by a widely used finite-fault inversion to explain the slip histories of an earthquake source. However, changes in rupture mechanism due to the complex fault geometry particularly for strike-slip earthquakes, cannot easily be captured by over-simplified modelling and make a difficult robust interpretation. To mitigate this problem, I apply an updated framework of potency density tensor inversion which can mitigate modelling errors of the uncertainty of Green’s function and fault geometric assumption within the inversion method. As a result, the adopted method can reveal the complex rupture process including the fault geometry. This dissertation examines the complex rupture process of the strike-slip earthquakes involving a major oceanic transform fault of the 2020 MW 7.7 Caribbean earthquake and a middle-scale conjugate strike- slip fault system of the 2014 MW 6.2 Thailand earthquake. According to the rupture models, the 2020 Caribbean exhibits the complex rupture evolution controlled by the fault geometric complexity corresponding to local bathymetric features. The rupture model of the 2020 Caribbean earthquake provides a new insightful rupture phenomenon, which the supershear rupture can propagate among the non-smooth fault geometry of the oceanic transform fault. The solution further suggests a possible interaction between the earthquake rupture process and the bathymetry, which the complex fault rupture may promote the subsidence due to the gravity within the extensional zone of the local bathymetric feature. For the 2014 Thailand earthquake, the rupture evolution exhibits the co-seismic between the conjugate north-south and northeast- southwest strike-slip fault planes, which the second rupture episode along the northeast- southwest fault plane may be triggered by the confined first rupture episode along the north- south fault plane. The multiple rupture episodes of the 2014 Thailand earthquake are confirmed by the numerical tests and the additional analysis with many different configurations. Moreover, the rupture evolution of the 2014 Thailand earthquake is consistent with the strongest damaged building location and the ground crack pattern. The rupture model of the 2014 Thailand earthquake provides a new finding that the co-seismic slip of the magnitude 6 earthquake can occur among the acute-angle conjugate strike-slip fault system. According to the 2020 Caribbean and the 2014 Thailand earthquakes, this dissertation reveals the unrecognized rupture evolution of the strike-slip earthquake including the hidden fault geometry along the oceanic transform fault and the middle-scale conjugate fault system, which the rupture evolution can be complex when the fault geometry is multiplex.

Keywords: Earthquake complex rupture process, Potency density tensor inversion method, Complex fault geometry, Oceanic transform fault, Conjugate strike-slip fault



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