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金, 俊亨 KIM, JUNHYEONG キム, ジュンヒョン 九州大学



葉層力学系の概念は、数論的スキームの力学系、幾何学的モデル(類似)として、Christopher Deningerにより20世紀末に考案された.特に、3次元葉層力学系には数論的曲線が対応し、同時期に創められた3次元位相幾何学と数論に橋を架ける数論的位相幾何学の描像の精密化とも見なされる.






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[CC81] A. Candel and L. Conlon, Foliations I, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2000.

[Co00] Alain Connes, Noncommutative geometry year 2000, Visions in Mathematics, 481–559, Springer, 2000.

[D92] Christopher Deninger, LocalL-factors of motives and regularized determinants, Inventiones mathematicae, 107, no.1, 1992, 135–150.

[D98] Christopher Deninger, Some analogies between number theory and dynamical systems on foliated spaces, Doc. Math. J. DMV. Extra, 901, 1998, 23–46.

[D00] Christopher Deninger, On dynamical systems and their possible significance for arithmetic geometry, In: Regulators in analysis, geometry and number theory, 2000, 29–87.

[D02a] Christopher Deninger, A note on arithmetic topology and dynamical systems, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 300, 2002, 99–114.

[D02b] Christopher Deninger, Number theory and dynamical systems on foliated spaces, arXiv preprint math/0204110, 2002.

[D05] Christopher Deninger, Arithmetic geometry and analysis on foliated spaces, arXiv preprint math/0505354, 2005.

[D06] Christopher Deninger, A dynamical systems analogue of Lichtenbaum’s conjectures on special values of Hasse-Weil zeta functions, Analytic Number Theory, Research Institute of Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, Kokyuroku, 2006.

[D08] Christopher Deninger, Analogies between analysis on foliated spaces and arithmetic geometry, In: Groups and Analysis,174–190, 2008.

[F04] Michael Faber,Topology of closed one-forms, 108, 2004. American Mathematical Society.

[G99] Etienne Ghys,Laminations par surfaces de Riemann, Dynamique et ´ g´eom´etrie complexes (Lyon, 1997), 8, 49–95, 1999, Soc. Math.

[Ha77] Robin Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 52, Springer, 1977.

[He04] John Hempel, 3-Manifolds, 349, American Mathematical Society, 2004.

[HM16] Tomohiro Horiuchi, Yoshihiko Mitsumatsu, Reeb components with complex leaves and their symmetries I: The automorphism groups and Schr¨oder’s equation on the half line, arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.08977, 2016.

[Hu06] Steven Hurder, The ¯∂-operator, Appendix A, In: C. Moore, C. Schochet, Global analysis on foliated spaces, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

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[Joh79] Klaus Johanson, Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds with boundaries, Lecture Notes in Math. 761, Springer, 1979.

[KH97] Anatol Katok and Boris Hasselblatt, Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems, 54, Cambridge university press, 1997.

[KS90] Atsushi Katsuda and Toshikazu Sunada, Closed orbits in homology classes, Publications Math´ematiques de l’IHES´ 91, 1990, 5–32.

[Kim17] Junhyeong Kim, On the leafwise cohomology and dynamical zeta functions for fiber bundles over the circle, arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04181, 2017.

[Kim19] Junhyeong Kim, Leafwise cohomological expression of dynamical zeta functions on foliated dynamical systems, arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02159, 2019.

[KMNT21] Junjyeong Kim, Masanori Morishita, Takeo Noda and Yuji Terashima, On 3-dimensional foliated dynamical systems and Hilbert type reciprocity law, M¨unster Journal of Mathematics, 14, No.2, 2021 (to appear).

[Ko06] Fabian Kopei, A remark on a relation between foliations and number theory, arXiv preprint math/0605184, 2006.

[Ko11] Fabian Kopei, A foliated analogue of one-and two-dimensional Arakelov theory, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit¨at Hamburg, 81 No.2, 2011, p.141.

[LG01] Jes´us A Alvarez L´opez and Hector Gilbert, The dimension of the ´ leafwise reduced cohomology, American Journal of Mathematics, 123, No.4, 2001, 607–646.

[LK01] Jes´us A Alvarez L´opez and Yuri A Kordyukov, Long time behaviour of ´ leafwise heat flow for Riemannian foliations, Compositio Mathematica, 125, No.2, 2001, 129–153.

[LK02] Jes´us A Alvarez L´opez and Yuri A Kordyukov, Distributional Betti ´ numbers of transitive foliations of codimension one, In: Foliations: Geometry and Dynamics, World Scientific, 2002, 159–183.

[Ma12] Barry Mazur, Primes, knots and Po, In: Lecture notes for the conference ’Geometry, Topology and Group Theory’ in honor of the 80th birthday of Valentin Poenaru, 2012.

[Mc13] Curtis T McMullen, Knots which behave like the prime numbers, Compositio Mathematica 149, (08), 2013, 1235–1244.

[Mih19] Tomoki Mihara, Cohomological Approach to Class Field Theory in Arithmetic Topology, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 71, No.4, 2019, 891–935.

[Mo12] Masanori Morishita, Knots and Primes: An Introduction to Arithmetic Topology, Universitext, Springer, 2012.

[NN57] August Newlander and Lois Nirenberg, Complex analytic coordinates in almost complex manifolds, Annals of Mathematics, 65, No.3, 1957, 391–404.

[NU] Hirofumi Niibo and Jun Ueki, Idelic class field theory for 3-manifolds and very admissible links, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 371, no.12, 8467–8488, 2019.

[Se56] Atle Selberg, Harmonic analysis and discontinuous groups in weakly symmetric Riemannian spaces witn applications to Dirichlet series, J. Indian Math. Soc., 20, (1956), 47–87.

[Sm00] Stephen Smale, Diffeomorphisms with many periodic points, The Collected Papers of Stephen Smale: Volume 2, 636–653, 2000, World Scientific.

[Su88a] Toshikazu Sunada, Fundamental groups and Laplacians (Japanese), Kinokuniya, 1988.

[Su88b] Toshikazu Sunada, Fundamental groups and Laplacians, In: Geometry and analysis on manifolds, 248–277, 1988.

[Ta92] Ichiro Tamura, Topology of Foliations: An Introduction, American Mathematical Society, 1992.

[Ti70] David Tischler, On fibering certain foliated manifolds over S1 , Topology, 9, no.2, 1970, 153–154.



