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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Evaluation of contribution of Fe in aerosols from different sources to the surface ocean based on Fe stable isotope ratio」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Evaluation of contribution of Fe in aerosols from different sources to the surface ocean based on Fe stable isotope ratio

栗栖, 美菜子 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004730



Chapter 1. Introduction
Deficiency of dissolved iron (Fe) is one of the limiting factors of primary production in the ocean (Martin and Fitzwater, 1988). It is important to understand the Fe cycle in the surface ocean because Fe supply enhances primary production, which is related to the carbon cycle and climate change.

The main Fe sources to the surface ocean are (i) atmospheric aerosols, (ii) dissolution of Fe from coastal sediments, (iii) hydrothermal activity, and so on. Among them, Fe in natural aerosols (mineral dust), is particularly important (Jickells et al., 2005). The importance of natural aerosols is also suggested from correlations between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and Fe supply to the ocean via transportation of natural aerosol in historical records of ice cores and marine sediments (e.g. Martínez-Garcia et al., 2009). In addition, Fe in combustion aerosols is also considered to be important due to its high fractional Fe solubility, although its emission amount is lower than that of natural aerosols (Sholkovitz et al., 2009; Ito et al., 2019). However, the relative contribution of natural and combustion Fe to the surface ocean remains unknown.

Iron stable isotope ratio (δ 56Fe (‰) = (56Fe/54Fe)sample/( 56Fe/54Fe)IRMM-014 – 1) is efficient to distinguish Fe sources. However, there have been few studies on δ 56Fe of combustion Fe. Majestic et al. (2009) analyzed Fe isotope ratios of two size-fractionated aerosols and reported that fine aerosol particles yielded δ 56Fe (as low as −0.6‰) lower than coarse particles (approximately 0.0‰) possibly due to the influence of combustion aerosols. However, it remains unclear why and how combustion Fe yields such low δ 56Fe.

Therefore, this thesis aimed to understand the followings by combining Fe isotope ratio with elemental concentration analysis, morphological observation, and Fe speciation:

1. To understand how and why combustion Fe yields low δ 56Fe values
2. To propose a representative Fe isotope ratio of combustion Fe that can be applied to the estimation of the contribution of Fe from different sources
3. To estimate the contribution of Fe from combustion Fe in marine aerosols and to understand the influence of combustion Fe on Fe fractional solubility of aerosols
4. To estimate the contribution of Fe from different sources in surface seawater

Chapter 2. Characteristics of Fe isotope ratios of size-fractionated aerosols collected in Higashi-Hiroshima (Kurisu et al., 2016a)
Aerosol sampling was conducted in summer and spring in Higashi Hiroshima as an example of a suburban environment in Japan. By collecting seven size-fractionated aerosols, I aimed to selectively collect combustion aerosols in fine particles and clarify δ 56Fe of combustion Fe. δ 56Fe of coarse particles (> 1 μm) was close to the crustal average (0.00±0.05‰, Beard et al., 2003). On the other hand, fine particles (< 1 μm) had δ 56Fe approximately 2.0‰ lower than the coarse particles. In addition, the soluble fraction of fine particles yielded as low as −3.9‰. Since (i) fine particles contained a large amount of trace elements emitted by anthropogenic activities, such as lead and zinc, and (ii) a larger fraction of Fe (hydr)oxides, possibly originated from combustion sources, were contained in fine particles, it was revealed that fine particles contained combustion Fe with low δ 56Fe, which was selectively extracted in the soluble fraction. By separating aerosols in fine size-fractions, it was clarified that combustion Fe has δ 56Fe much lower than that reported in Majestic et al. (2009).

Chapters 3 and 4. Estimation of Fe isotope ratio of combustion Fe collected near emission sources (Kurisu et al., 2016b; 2019a; 2019b)
Size-fractionated aerosol samples were collected in the vicinity of various anthropogenic sources to investigate the difference of δ 56Fe among various sources and to understand why combustion Fe yields low δ 56Fe. Focusing on combustion temperatures, I collected (i) aerosols emitted from vehicles, (ii) fly and bottom ashes in an incinerator, and (iii) aerosols emitted from a steel plant as hightemperature combustion sources in Chapter 3, and collected aerosols emitted by biomass burning as a low-temperature combustion source in Chapter 4.

Fine particles collected near the anthropogenic sources (near a steel plant and in a tunnel) contained Fe oxide nanoparticles emitted by high-temperature combustion processes. They yielded δ 56Fe 3−4‰ lower than that of natural Fe (0.0‰) or original materials before combustion. The results suggested that isotope fractionation occurred during the combustion processes. In addition, a good correlation between the inverse of Fe concentration and δ 56Fe of each size fraction indicates that the particles are mixing of two components with different δ 56Fe, that is, original materials with δ 56Fe close to 0‰ and combustion Fe with low δ 56Fe. Based on this correlation, δ 56Fe of combustion Fe was estimated to be −4.4±0.6‰. The value is distinguishable from Fe in natural environments, suggesting that the δ 56Fe can be used as a tracer of combustion Fe.

In the case of biomass burning, low δ 56Fe was not observed. The amount of evaporated Fe was too small because of relatively low combustion temperature (300−500 °C). In addition, Fe in the fine aerosol particles was mainly originated from fine soils suspended by the biomass burning.

Based on these results, it was suggested that the low δ 56Fe is applicable only for combustion Fe which experienced evaporation process under high-temperature conditions. Furthermore, lower δ 56Fe in fine particles corresponds to a larger fraction of Fe (hydr)oxides and higher fractional Fe solubilities, suggesting that the presence of combustion Fe is an important factor for controlling fractional Fe solubility.

Chapter 5. Estimation of contribution of combustion Fe in marine aerosols collected in the western Pacific
Based on the results above, I aimed (i) to estimate the contribution of combustion Fe in marine aerosols and (ii) to understand the influence of combustion Fe as a controlling factor of fractional Fe solubility from two size-fractionated aerosol samples collected during R/V Hakuho-Maru KH-13-7 and KH-14-3 cruises around the western Pacific.

Fine particles of marine aerosols collected near the Japan coast were originated from the Asian continent. The δ 56Fe values were 0.5−2‰ lower than those of coarse particles (0.0‰). A good correlation between the δ 56Fe and concentrations of some anthropogenic tracers suggested that the low δ 56Fe values were obtained due to the presence of combustion Fe mainly transported from the Asian continent. Furthermore, from the relationships among δ 56Fe, Fe species, and fractional Fe solubility, it was suggested that fractional Fe solubility was controlled mainly by the presence of combustion Fe and atmospheric processing during transportation. Mass balance calculation from δ 56Fe and fractional Fe solubility of natural and combustion Fe, up to 85% of soluble Fe in marine aerosols was of combustion origin. These results suggest that combustion Fe has a large contribution to marine aerosols and even to the surface ocean.

A calculation based on an atmospheric numerical model tended to overestimate the contribution of combustion Fe in the marine aerosols compared with the isotope-based estimation. Iron isotope data can contribute to a more accurate model prediction of the distribution of natural and combustion Fe in aerosols.

Chapter 6. Estimation of contribution of Fe from different sources in marine aerosols and surface seawater in the subarctic North Pacific
Aerosols and surface seawater were simultaneously collected during KH-17-3 cruise across the subarctic Pacific to evaluate (i) the contribution of combustion Fe in marine aerosols and (ii) the contribution of Fe from different sources to the surface ocean. I employed the double spike method for the isotope analysis because these samples contain extremely small amount of Fe.

Iron concentrations of aerosols were high only near the Japan coast, in which low δ 56Fe values were observed due to the presence of combustion Fe. The influence of combustion Fe was limited in the vicinity of the Japan coast in these aerosol samples.

δ 56Fe of dissolved Fe (D-Fe) of surface seawater was low (−0.2 to −0.7‰) in the western subarctic Pacific and near the Alaskan coast, whereas high (0.4 to 0.9‰) in the central and eastern subarctic Pacific. There was no correlation between δ 56Fe values of aerosols and surface seawater in this study, suggesting the importance of other Fe sources or Fe isotope fractionation due to biological activity.

From comparison of the concentration and δ 56Fe of D-Fe between the western (47 °N, 160 °E) and eastern area (50 ºN, 145 ºW), it was suggested that Fe with high concentration and low δ 56Fe (−1.36±0.03‰) in the intermediate depth (200−1000 m) in the western area was originated from dissolution of Fe from coastal sediments which was transported via North Pacific Intermediate Water (Nishioka and Obata, 2017). By a box model of the surface mixed layer in the western area assuming that Fe is supplied from aerosols and intermediate water, the contribution of aerosols was estimated to be 7−36%.

Although these samples were collected in summer and the contribution of combustion Fe was small, the contribution can be larger in winter and spring, when a larger amount of aerosol, including both natural and combustion Fe, is transported from the Asian continent to the open ocean in the Pacific.

Further understanding of the Fe cycles including combustion Fe contributes to a more accurate estimation of future climate change. Iron isotope ratio that is related to Fe sources can be an essential tool to understand such important issues.



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