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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「eSPRESSO: topological clustering of single-cell transcriptomics data to reveal informative genes for spatio–temporal architectures of cells」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




eSPRESSO: topological clustering of single-cell transcriptomics data to reveal informative genes for spatio–temporal architectures of cells

Mori, Tomoya Takase, Toshiro Lan, Kuan-Chun Yamane, Junko Alev, Cantas Kimura, Azuma Osafune, Kenji Yamashita, Jun K. Akutsu, Tatsuya Kitano, Hiroaki Fujibuchi, Wataru 京都大学 DOI:10.1186/s12859-023-05355-4



[Background] Bioinformatics capability to analyze spatio–temporal dynamics of gene expression is essential in understanding animal development. Animal cells are spatially organized as functional tissues where cellular gene expression data contain information that governs morphogenesis during the developmental process. Although several computational tissue reconstruction methods using transcriptomics data have been proposed, those methods have been ineffective in arranging cells in their correct positions in tissues or organs unless spatial information is explicitly provided. [Results] This study demonstrates stochastic self-organizing map clustering with Markov chain Monte Carlo calculations for optimizing informative genes effectively reconstruct any spatio–temporal topology of cells from their transcriptome profiles with only a coarse topological guideline. The method, eSPRESSO (enhanced SPatial REconstruction by Stochastic Self-Organizing Map), provides a powerful in silico spatio–temporal tissue reconstruction capability, as confirmed by using human embryonic heart and mouse embryo, brain, embryonic heart, and liver lobule with generally high reproducibility (average max. accuracy = 92.0%), while revealing topologically informative genes, or spatial discriminator genes. Furthermore, eSPRESSO was used for temporal analysis of human pancreatic organoids to infer rational developmental trajectories with several candidate ‘temporal’ discriminator genes responsible for various cell type differentiations. [Conclusions] eSPRESSO provides a novel strategy for analyzing mechanisms underlying the spatio–temporal formation of cellular organizations.



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