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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Performance recovery of a repaired 4-storey reinforced concrete structure subjected to shake-table testing」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Performance recovery of a repaired 4-storey reinforced concrete structure subjected to shake-table testing

Alex Shegay 前田 匡樹 Masaki Maeda 東京工業大学 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.3818



Reinforced concrete (RC) structures damaged in earthquakes will typically be subjected to one of two decisions: structural
repair or demolition (followed by rebuilding if necessary). ...



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How to cite this article: Shegay AV, Miura K, Akira M, Maeda M, Seki M. Performance recovery of a repaired

4-storey reinforced concrete structure subjected to shake-table testing. Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2023;1-21.



The JBDPA Guidelines7 provide performance recovery factors for repaired structural members. These are reproduced in

Table A1. The exact method of implementation of these factors is not described in the JBDPA Guidelines, though it is

assumed that the intention is similar to the FEMA 3063 factors (i.e., to be used in hinge models of repaired members). The

factors are not specific to a performance characteristic (i.e., strength, stiffness, deformation capacity). They are also given

as a value range as opposed to deterministic values. These areas of ambiguity imply that considerable engineering judgment is expected to be exercised in implementing the performance recovery factors. The recovery factors vary depending

on the type of member, the extent of repair work and the damage level (defined in7 ; Appendix B).

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TA B L E A 1


Member performance recovery factors following repair and strengthening

Damage Level



Repair methodology






Repair of cracks


Repair of spalled concrete


Shear strengtheninga :

Welding, confinement wrapping, plate





Repair of cracks


Repair of spalled concrete





Shear strengthening : Partial recasting,

total recasting, section enlargement

C1 and C2

C1 and C3


C1, C2 and C3a

W1 and W2







Combined repair












W1 and W3a



W1, W2 and W3a




If accurate calculations can demonstrate that strength will exceed the original member strength (pre-damage), a factor of more than 1.0 may be adopted.


The JBDPA Guidelines7 provide a damage assessment methodology for individual reinforced concrete (RC) members


Visual representation of damage states for ductile and brittle members

based on visual observation. All damage is broadly classified into five damage levels, the definitions of which are summarized in Table B1. The damage levels can be shown to represent various parts of the member force-deformation backbone

curve for ductile (flexural) and brittle (shear) members, as shown in Figure B1.

TA B L E B 1

Definition of damage levels of structural members

Damage level

Observed damage in structural members

Sparse, fine cracks can be observed (<0.2 mm). No reinforcement yielding expected.


Clearly visible cracks (0.2–1 mm) exist.


Wide cracks (1–2 mm) are present. Plastic hinging mechanisms begin to form. Some spalling of cover concrete is

observed but concrete core is in-tact.


Many wide cracks are observed. Compression damage resulting in concrete spalling and exposed reinforcement.

Lateral strength degradation may occur, but vertical load is still fully carried by walls and columns.

Buckling (and in some cases fracture) of reinforcement, crushing of concrete and vertical deformation of

columns and/or shear walls observed. Settlement and inclination of structure are characteristic.

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