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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Active learning efficiently converges on rational limits of toxicity prediction and identifies patterns for molecule design」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Active learning efficiently converges on rational limits of toxicity prediction and identifies patterns for molecule design

Ahsan, Habib Polash 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k23092



Government organizations utilizes different assays to assess the safety of chemicals. Most of the established assays have potential drawbacks which includes but are not limited to: lack of cost effectiveness, long evaluation times, false negative results, so forth. Moreover, animal-based assays are increasingly becoming discouraged by different animal welfare organizations. As a consequence, toxicologists are encouraging the development of new types of toxicity detection assays which would overcome the drawbacks of the current toxicity assays.

A number of recent scientific studies have employed machine learning (ML) to predict binding of compounds to proteins. Such studies are accelerating computational chemistry, methods in toxicology, and usage of Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery. In 2017, Reker et al employed a ML method called Active Learning (AL) to model several kinases and G-protein coupled receptor proteins with high performances. One advantage of AL is that, instead of learning all of the available bioactivity data, it iteratively selects a subset of the data and builds a reduced-size model that is as good as a model constructed from the whole dataset. By doing this AL can reduce computational resources substantially. In 2019, Polash and co-workers employed AL in predicting highly selective inhibitors for matrix metalloproteinases, a protein family known to play various roles in cancer cell proliferation. They also deconvoluted ML model’s decision-making process.

Following the elucidation of a ML model architecture, in this study AL was applied to a dataset of approximately 9000 compounds which were tested for acute oral toxicity in rats. The data have been curated by the US government and made publicly available for the evaluation and development of predictive methodologies. Particularly notable is the fact that compared to biochemical assay data, sources of in-vivo toxicity are diverse, and thus the predictive challenge is amplified compared to biochemical assay data. Unlike many previous studies with mathematically complex ML algorithms and full activity dataset, this study showed that only a strategically subset of data was sufficient to build a model that could predict toxic compounds with high performance.

Instead of developing a `black box` model which lacks insight into model building steps, the authors tried to deconvolute the decision-making steps. In depth analyses showed that some of the compounds were predictable from the early stages of model building, whereas some compounds became predictable gradually. However, some of the compounds never could be correctly predicted; subsequent analysis revealed that these compounds frequently formed a “toxicity cliff”. A toxicity cliff can be described as a minor change in structure leading to a large change in toxicity (activity). Apparently, it was found that some of the toxic compounds in the validation data have nearest neighbors in training data that are not toxic and as a result the model failed to classify them accurately; this suggests the rational limits of toxicity prediction. Furthermore, it has been shown that the removal of the compounds from the data that had toxicity values near the borderline separating toxic and non-toxic classification yielded even higher performance. Finally, compound structure analysis revealed that some compound substructures are differentially present or absent across toxic and nontoxic compounds.

In summary, the study demonstrated efficient selection of compounds toward generating computational models for toxicity prediction in rats and provided insights about the chemical substructures and patterns that are crucial for classifying toxic compounds. Computational toxicity prediction is still a fairly nascent discipline with a variety of challenges. However, insights from this research will contribute further to develop better toxicity prediction models and the understanding of chemical fragment-toxicity association will contribute to the flagging of risk-associated structures for
drug discovery to avoid potential toxicity.


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