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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Phage Origin of Mitochondrion-Localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Kinetoplastids and Diplonemids」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Phage Origin of Mitochondrion-Localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Kinetoplastids and Diplonemids

HARADA, Ryo 稲垣, 祐司 筑波大学 DOI:33432342



Mitochondria retain their own genomes as other bacterial endosymbiont-derived organelles. Nevertheless, no protein for DNA replication and repair is encoded in any mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) assessed to date, suggesting that the nucleus primarily governs the maintenance of mtDNA. As the proteins of diverse evolutionary origins occupy a large proportion of the current mitochondrial proteomes, we anticipate finding the same evolutionary trend in the nucleus-encoded machinery for mtDNA maintenance. Indeed, none of the DNA polymerases (DNAPs) in the mitochondrial endosymbiont, a putative α-proteobacterium, seemingly had been inherited by their descendants (mitochondria), as none of the known types of mitochondrion-localized DNAP showed a specific affinity to the α-proteobacterial DNAPs. Nevertheless, we currently have no concrete idea of how and when the known types of mitochondrion-localized DNAPs emerged. We here explored the origins of mitochondrion-localized DNAPs after the improvement of the samplings of DNAPs from bacteria and phages/viruses. Past studies have revealed that a set of mitochondrion-localized DNAPs in kinetoplastids and diplonemids, namely PolIB, PolIC, PolID, PolI-Perk1/2, and PolI-dipl (henceforth designated collectively as “PolIBCD+”) have emerged from a single DNAP. In this study, we recovered an intimate connection between PolIBCD+ and the DNAPs found in a particular group of phages. Thus, the common ancestor of kinetoplastids and diplonemids most likely converted a laterally acquired phage DNAP into a mitochondrion-localized DNAP that was ancestral to PolIBCD+. The phage origin of PolIBCD+ hints at a potentially large contribution of proteins acquired via nonvertical processes to the machinery for mtDNA maintenance in kinetoplastids and diplonemids.



This work was supported by the grants from the Japanese

Society for Promotion of Sciences awarded to Y.I. (numbers

18KK0203 and 19H03280). We also thank three reviewers

for their constructive suggestions and comments on the


Data Availability

The supplementary data are available from the Dryad Digital

Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.9kd51c5fv.

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Genome Biol. Evol. 13(2) doi:10.1093/gbe/evab003 Advance Access publication January 12, 2021

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We retrieved 175 famA DNAP aa sequences of autographiviruses from the NCBI nr database. The details of the survey

were the same as described above. The 175 famA DNAPs

were sampled from 99 members belonging to 57 genera








Autographiviridae. The autographivirus famA DNAPs were

found to comprise two types based on the presence/absence

of an insertion of eight aa residues (8-aa insertion; see above).

The famA DNAPs with 8-aa insertion (AGVþins famA DNAPs)

appeared to be closely related to PolIBCDþ, mitochondrionlocalized famA DNAPs in kinetoplastids (PolIB, C, D, PolIPerk1/2) and that in diplonemids (PolI-dipl). The redundancy

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PolIBCDþ, and famA DNAPs of four members of Podoviridae

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with the -gt 0.9 option. The final version of the second alignment is provided as a part of the supplementary materials

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of 25,000 (maxdiff ¼ 0.09472) and calculated the consensus

tree with branch lengths and BPPs from the remaining trees.

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Supplementary data are available at Genome Biology and

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Associate editor: Martin Embley

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