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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Inventory and Evolution of Mitochondrion-localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Euglenozoa」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Inventory and Evolution of Mitochondrion-localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Euglenozoa

平川, 泰久 稲垣, 祐司 HARADA, Ryo YABUKI, Akinori KASHIYAMA, Yuichiro MARUYAMA, Moe ONUMA, Ryo SOUKAL, Petr MIYAGISHIMA, Shinya HAMPL, Vladimír TANIFUJI, Goro 筑波大学 DOI:10.3390/pathogens9040257



The order Trypanosomatida has been well studied due to its pathogenicity and the unique biology of the mitochondrion. In Trypanosoma brucei, four DNA polymerases, namely PolIA, PolIB, PolIC, and PolID, related to bacterial DNA polymerase I (PolI), were shown to be localized in mitochondria experimentally. These mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases are phylogenetically distinct from other family A DNA polymerases, such as bacterial PolI, DNA polymerase gamma (Polγ) in human and yeasts, “plant and protist organellar DNA polymerase (POP)” in diverse eukaryotes. However, the diversity of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in Euglenozoa other than Trypanosomatida is poorly understood. In this study, we discovered putative mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in broad members of three major classes of Euglenozoa—Kinetoplastea, Diplonemea, and Euglenida—to explore the origin and evolution of trypanosomatid PolIA-D. We unveiled distinct inventories of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in the three classes: (1) PolIA is ubiquitous across the three euglenozoan classes, (2) PolIB, C, and D are restricted in kinetoplastids, (3) new types of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases were identified in a prokinetoplastid and diplonemids, and (4) evolutionarily distinct types of POP were found in euglenids. We finally propose scenarios to explain the inventories of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in Kinetoplastea, Diplonemea, and Euglenida.


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