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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Fission yeast Stn1 maintains stability of repetitive DNA at subtelomere and ribosomal DNA regions」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Fission yeast Stn1 maintains stability of repetitive DNA at subtelomere and ribosomal DNA regions

Yamamoto, Io Nakaoka, Hidenori Takikawa, Masahiro Tashiro, Sanki Kanoh, Junko Miyoshi, Tomoichiro Ishikawa, Fuyuki 京都大学 DOI:10.1093/nar/gkab767



Telomere binding protein Stn1 forms the CST (Cdc13/CTC1-STN1-TEN1) complex in budding yeast and mammals. Likewise, fission yeast Stn1 and Ten1 form a complex indispensable for telomere protection. We have previously reported that stn1-1, a high-temperature sensitive mutant, rapidly loses telomere DNA at the restrictive temperature due to frequent failure of replication fork progression at telomeres and subtelomeres, both containing repetitive sequences. It is unclear, however, whether Stn1 is required for maintaining other repetitive DNAs such as ribosomal DNA. In this study, we have demonstrated that stn1-1 cells, even when grown at the permissive temperature, exhibited dynamic rearrangements in the telomere-proximal regions of subtelomere and ribosomal DNA repeats. Furthermore, Rad52 and γH2A accumulation was observed at ribosomal DNA repeats in the stn1-1 mutant. The phenotypes exhibited by the stn1-1 allele were largely suppressed in the absence of Reb1, a replication fork barrier-forming protein, suggesting that Stn1 is involved in the maintenance of the arrested replication forks. Collectively, we propose that Stn1 maintains the stability of repetitive DNAs at subtelomeres and rDNA regions.



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We thank M. Tamura and Y. Watanabe for technical assistance, and A. Katayama, A. Shirabuchi, E. Yamazaki,

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