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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Cryogenic Torsion Pendulum for Observing Low-frequency Gravity Gradient Fluctuation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Cryogenic Torsion Pendulum for Observing Low-frequency Gravity Gradient Fluctuation

下田, 智文 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004686



Gravity gradient fluctuation is a valuable observational target in measuring the motion of mass precisely. Currently, low-frequency fluctuation around 0.1 Hz is targeted for earthquake early warning using terrestrial gravity gradient, and for observation of gravitational waves from intermediate mass black holes. Developing high sensitive gravity gradiometers are essential for those scientific observations. A torsion-bar antenna (TOBA) is a ground-based detector for measuring low-frequency gravity gradient fluctuations (Fig. 1). The low mechanical resonant frequency of TOBA enables observations of gravity gradient around 0.1 Hz even on the ground where the detector is bound by the strong gravitational field. Several prototype TOBA developments and component researches have been performed and revealed the characteristics of detector noises. Currently a 35 cm-scale detector, Phase-III TOBA, is under development as an earthquake early warning system and to demonstrate noise reduction. However, the concrete design of Phase-III TOBA has not been made, and many of the required technologies have not been established yet. In particular, the cryogenic cooling for the torsion pendulum to reduce thermal noise is high priority since previous studies using cryogenic cooling for a torsion pendulum are few and far between. Additionally, earthquake detectability and localizability with TOBA have not been clarified well so far. These topics should be investigated to establish a realistic gravity-based earthquake early warning system.

In this thesis, both theoretical and experimental topics are investigated with the goal of the earthquake early warning using TOBA. On the theoretical side, detectability of earthquakes with TOBA that is sensitive to only horizontal gravity gradient was evaluated for the first time. By comparing it with other types of gravity gradiometers, it was found that TOBA has advantages for detection of strike-slip earthquakes and also has a good detectability for dip-slip earthquakes even without vertical gravity gradient measurement. The calculation result is shown in Fig. 2. Additionally, localizability of the epicenter using an array of TOBAs was also simulated to investigate the suitable arrangement of the detectors, required calibration accuracy of the detectors, and necessary accuracy of the presumed source fault parameters.

On the experimental side, the system of Phase-III TOBA is designed to achieve the sensitivity of 10−15 / √ Hz. In the design, in addition to the known noise suppression methods, reduction of nonlinear vibration transfer noise which was recently found and a newly proposed highly sensitive angular sensor are also included. The most essential part of Phase-III TOBA, the cryogenic system, was then experimentally demonstrated by cooling a prototype 35 cm-scale torsion pendulum. The prototype was successfully cooled down to 6.1 K as shown in Fig. 3, which establishes the basis of the cryogenic system in Phase-III TOBA.

From these theoretical and experimental works, the path to gravity-based earthquake early warning with Phase-III TOBA has been opened. This thesis reports the details of these results.



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