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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Stress release process along an intraplate fault analogous to the plate boundary: a case study of the 2017 M5.2 Akita-Daisen earthquake, NE Japan」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Stress release process along an intraplate fault analogous to the plate boundary: a case study of the 2017 M5.2 Akita-Daisen earthquake, NE Japan

Keisuke Yoshida Taka'aki Taira Yoshiaki Matsumoto Tatsuhiko Saito Kentaro Emoto Toru Matsuzawa 東北大学 DOI:10.1029/2020JB019527



Stress accumulation and release inside the plate remains poorly understood compared to that at the plate boundaries. Spatiotemporal variations in foreshock and aftershock activities can provide key constraints on time‐dependent stress and deformation processes inside the plate. The 2017 M5.2 Akita‐Daisen intraplate earthquake in NE Japan was preceded by intense foreshock activity and triggered a strong sequence of aftershocks. We examine the spatiotemporal distributions of foreshocks and aftershocks and determine the coseismic slip distribution of the mainshock. Our results indicate that seismicity both before and after the mainshock was concentrated on a planar structure with N‐S strike that dips steeply eastward. We observe a migration of foreshocks toward the mainshock rupture area, suggesting the possibility that foreshocks were triggered by aseismic phenomena preceding the mainshock rupture. The mainshock rupture propagated toward the north, showing less slip beneath foreshock regions. The stress drop of the mainshock was 1.4 MPa, and the radiation efficiency was 0.72. Aftershocks were intensely triggered near the edge of large coseismic slip regions where shear stress increased. The aftershock region expanded along the fault strike, which can be attributed to the postseismic aseismic slip of the mainshock. We find that the foreshocks, mainshock, aftershocks, and postseismic slip released stress at different segments along the fault, which may refiect differences in frictional properties. Obtained results were similar to those observed for interplate earthquakes, which supports the hypothesis that the deformation processes along plate boundaries and intraplate faults are fundamentally the same.



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