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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Auditory-Cognitive training improves brain plasticity and cognitive function in the healthy older adults」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Auditory-Cognitive training improves brain plasticity and cognitive function in the healthy older adults

河田 百合子 東北大学



The number of older adults is increasing globally. Aging is associated with cognitive and sensory decline. Age-related hearing loss causes speech perception problems and has been linked to cognitive decline. Additionally, declined auditory performance and cognitive function affect the quality of life of older adults. Therefore, it is important to develop an intervention method to improve both auditory and cognitive performances. A previous study reported that a combination of auditory and cognitive (AC) training is more beneficial than a single auditory or cognitive training; however, the study did not directly measure auditory abilities using objective measures, such as the pure-tone audiometry (PTA) threshold. In addition, a suitable active control group was not included in the study. The current study aimed to investigate the beneficial effects of AC training on auditory ability and cognitive functions in healthy older adults. Considering the unresolved issues of the previous study, I focused on the following points in this study: 1) objective auditory measures, such as PTA, were used, 2) an active control group was included a randomize controlled study, and 3) sound volume was manipulated for auditory factor difficulty during training. Fifty healthy older adults were randomly divided into four training groups—an AC training group, an auditory training group (A training), a cognitive training group (C training), and an active control group. Cognitive function measures (digit-cancellation test [D-CAT]; logical memory [LM]; digit span), auditory measures (PTA), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures were evaluated before and after the training periods. I did not find any statistically significant beneficial effects of AC training on cognitive and auditory performance compared to that of other training modalities (A training group, C training group, and active control group). Compared to other groups, the AC training group showed differences in regional gray matter volume (rGMV) in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the left inferior temporal gyrus (L. ITG), the left superior frontal gyrus, the left orbitofrontal cortex, the right cerebellum (lobule 7 Crus 1).

According to PTA findings, the auditory training factor groups (ATFGs, the AC and A training groups) improved in auditory measures compared to the non-ATFGs (the C training group and active control group). The ATFGs showed an increase in rGMV and FC in the left temporal pole compared to the non-ATFGs. The cognitive training factor groups (CTFGs; the AC and C training groups) showed statistically significant improvement in cognitive performances in terms of LM and D-CAT results compared to the non-CTFGs (A training group and active control group). AC training significantly changed rGMV in brain regions related to attention and memory. These results suggest that older adults can listen to sound with low volume after auditory training (ATFGs), and cognitive training (CTFGs) improved their attention and episodic memory performance. In addition, AC training led to changes in brain structure related to cognitive and auditory processes. Therefore, the present study newly developed AC training would be useful in enhancing the quality of life of older adults.


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